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"The final trial, before we move on to individual meetings with coven leaders, is much more strenuous than the others you've completed," Kai said. "But it's an essential test to your flexibility as witches, particularly in battle with the biggest and baddest of the supernatural."

He paused, taking in the rising, puzzled chatter of the contenders, and wordlessly held up a hand. They were instantly silenced by the authoritative gesture, but the burning need to know more of what this trial entailed was palpable in the atmosphere.

The Five Covens was, by no means, new territory for me, but the trials were. At the time that my coven had given their first performance in them years ago, I wasn't of age to join them. Age aside, my presence would have been more of a liability than advantage. I had still been undergoing the grueling process of leashing my powers, curbing their eruption, so to put me smack in the middle of an organized trial wasn't ideal for the victory the Luna Coven was aiming for and triumphantly achieved.

Now, I was twenty-two, freshly graduated from college as of this past May. No longer could be classified as a child, totally of age to have a standing position in events like these–and yet, I felt like I was back to square one, where controlling my magic was concerned. It was harder without my father, my mentor in all things control, the only one in my life who relentlessly executed compassion and patience throughout every level of my training.

I wanted to prove that the time he'd dedicated to me wouldn't have been for naught. It was just my luck that my magic seemed to be triggered by the mere presence of Kai Parker, though. Toss in the additional factor that he was the head recruiter of this alliance, which meant avoiding him was literally impossible, and I felt like pulling my hair out at the roots.

Motivation readied my magic, as I awaited the rest of Kai's explanation for what was, finally, the last trial. It had been a long day and I couldn't wait to dive into the warm hotel bed, empty and welcoming just a few miles from the Gemini compound.

I'd made it this far, without too many mistakes–except for a really big one, my brain whispered, referring to the various interactions I'd allowed to happen with Kai. Whatever. Surely, those would soon be non-issues. What were the odds that the Luna Coven even freaking won this competition, anyway? Not that I didn't believe in our power and qualifications, but I had no delusions about the biases that went into the final decisions. We left the alliance before, which undoubtedly left us in the ill-disposed opinions of many current members. And the fact of the matter was, quite simply, that Kai wasn't likely to do us any favors either.

Let's just get this the hell over with, I thought with an edge of eagerness. Fantasies of pillowy hotel beds were already clouding my brain.

"We've tested how you all fare against me in a fight," Kai said, and I swear, he was purposely avoiding my prideful gaze. "Witch versus witch. Often a battle we may find ourselves in, but is it the only one we'll face?" He chuckled dryly. "Not by a long shot. There are other creatures in this realm that go directly against what we stand for, as people who swear to protect the balance of nature. Formidable foes that we have and will continue to encounter for as long as we live."

He held up a hand, counting off his fingers. "Vampires. Werewolves. Hybrids."

Heretics, my mind rang viciously.

"More often than not, they disregard the boundaries of civilization, decimating the human population for sport. Many have been known to have witches under their tricky thumbs but..." He smiled darkly. "A Five Coven member knows better than to ever allow that. We don't make habits of mingling with bloodsuckers, because to do so means inviting endless piles of trouble to ourselves and the covens we come from. I'm sure if you all have an intelligent bone in your body, you share that sentiment. But to be sure..."

Burned » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now