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I woke up in perhaps the most blissful way possible–naturally, without the intrusion of an alarm, and wrapped comfortably against Kai's chest.

My back was nestled into his frame, the parts of my skin uncovered by my tank top connecting with his warm skin. It was sort of surprising, just how much the Gemini leader liked spooning. Before I knew him better, I'd have assumed that brand of intimacy wasn't of interest to the witch who once preferred strictly defined sexual encounters with zero attachments.

But as it turned out, Kai had a thing for closeness. He'd been the one to tug me into him first last night, murmuring a "good night, Luna" in my ear. I hadn't done much to question it either. It was simpler to melt against his warmth and fall asleep to the sound of his breathing.

It was dangerous, possibly. How little I questioned any of it nowadays. But life was complex enough now, particularly with our seemingly endless hunt for the artifact, and I didn't feel like making Kai–and my bizarre, terrifying feelings about the witch–another component of that complexity.

I traced my fingers against the mattress, swallowing.

The Gemini leader, Eva? I scolded myself. Really? Of all people to feel this strangely about? Old you is laughing herself to tears. Or plotting to kick your ass.

Truthfully, though? I was a witch, but still only human. In other words, totally susceptible to crumbling like sand when Kai carried me back to this very bed last night.

My legs had been weak from our serendipitous shower sex and after I lazily spelled clothes on, he'd lifted me into his arms without any preamble. Just as I'd thought I couldn't feel warmer toward the witch than I had as he gently moved the loofah over my skin in the shower.

I was glad it had been dark, that I could hide my face against his neck and feel the vibrations of his humming against my temple. I worried what my expression might've gave away.

Maybe I'd feel normal, once we took care of business here and returned to Portland. Returned to lives that didn't mean we were sharing a bed and all of our meals, day in and day out. Maybe.

Or maybe I was a complete idiot.

Regardless, this was no place to think things through–in bed with the distracting source of my endless thoughts. I needed to breathe, just for a moment.

I gently lifted his hand, leaving enough space for me to carefully slip to the edge of the bed. I sat up, planting my feet on the floor, and peeked at the sleeping witch over my shoulder.

His hand was flat against my abandoned side of the mattress and his fingers curled against the sheets slightly. There was a twitch to his brow, but eventually, his face relaxed once more.

I indulged in the sight a little while longer, then dug a set of clothes from my duffel and quietly made my way to the bathroom.

Hotel bathrooms in the quiet of the morning sometimes felt to a portal to another dimension. I swayed slightly on my feet, trying to root myself in some sense of familiarity, and latched onto the sense of Kai's magic in the other room. Even though I'd come in here partially to distance myself from his consuming presence, I was once again seeking comfort in the reminder that he was near.

I clipped my hair out of my face so I could brush my teeth and scrub my face with cleanser. My cheeks felt warm beneath the motions of my hands, while I reflected on the memories behind the lingering soreness in my thighs.

After I dressed myself in a sage green sweater and comfortable, faded blue jeans, I left the bathroom with a head that was only a little clearer.

Burned » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now