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Kai's POV

"Ten seconds," I triumphantly announced, releasing my magical vice grip on the witch. "You're out."

The blonde, externally tattered and emotionally defeated, eyed me with resentment that was poorly hidden. He was the representative that had stepped up for the Crystal Coven and had put up a decent fight, up until he failed to adjust his reaction time to the increased speed that I'd begun to toss offensive spells at his shorter figure. In his defense, his coven specialized in divination, which was handy, but those types of witches tended to be the hippies of the community. Not unlike the fortune-tellers that set up shop in dingy, urban areas, waving their hands around crystal balls and spouting ominous sentences about one's doomed future.

I returned his stare with an icy smile, arching a brow expectantly until he grudgingly turned to exit the ring.

"That, ladies and gentlemen, concludes the first trial. Don't get discouraged by a loss, you all showed some promising effort. And, keep in mind," I offered a slightly mocking smile to the onlookers, "it isn't easy to take me down."

And yet, the whisper intruded from my brain, she did.

I clenched my jaw, as my eyes found her standing with her coven. She was watching me with a little tilt to her mouth, more than likely relishing my irritation.

Huffing sharply through my nose, I averted my gaze and summoned my best imitation of composure. "There's refreshments near the gardens. Take a little break, until we join again for the second trial."

The assembled covens began to disperse, instantly noisy with the small talk on their way to the prepared drinks.

Eva lingered behind, studying me. I stared back at her, quirking a brow. Was she going to stick around and gloat? Dangerous idea, that could have the both of us quickly immersed in an impromptu round two. Fuck, a deranged part of me kind of wanted it, wanted to provoke her and stoke the fire of her essence.

Her brother called her name and she looked shaken from a trance. She threw me another unreadable glance before retreating, falling into step beside him.

I wasn't sure if I was fucking relieved to see her go or angry that she didn't stay, have the decency to continue what she started.

My magic was coiled in a knot, tension gripping my muscles. It wanted to lash out for hers, drag her into its unforgiving hold, coax out her fury.


Joshua was standing outside of the magical barrier, frowning at me. "Are you going to stand in there for the rest of the day?"

I smiled humorlessly. "Maybe. It's really roomy."

As usual, he was unamused. "Let's go. We have a lot to discuss regarding the results of the first trial."

I watched him leave to join the Geminis, nearly murmuring a spell to make him trip on the weeds.

One palm raised up, I attempted to push all my focus into the menial task of depleting the barrier with a simple incantation. My mind, however, refused to comply. It stirred with flashes of my altercation with Eva, consequently surfacing sensations that I was trying to keep buried for the sake of my sanity.

I'd been struck dumb before our session even really began, the moment she freed her aura. Crimson strands blended with gold, skimming the curves of her body, and I was stunned by the sight. My magic was equally intrigued, as if hers called out to it, begging to be united as one source.

Wouldn't it be so simple, to solely attribute my reaction to her magic being overly enticing? I could do that, but deep down, I'd know that didn't explain everything, not even close. It didn't explain why I'd been caught up in the glow of her powers on her tan skin, reflecting in her brown eyes.

Burned » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now