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Kai's POV

"You look well rested."

Elaine was smiling kindly, sipping a mug of coffee at the kitchen table. She gestured for me to take a seat, so I pulled out an empty chair across from her and sank down into it.

Apparently, I was the first to be up and at 'em among the other witches, which was fine. It was nine thirty, so we still had a solid amount of hours 'till the sun set and it would be time to stick our noses into vampire business. For now, I would do something about my gnawing hunger, then launch into game planning.

"You guys infuse your mattresses with relaxer spells," I said, sighing contently. "I'm sure of it."

Caleb barked out a laugh, waving his spatula at me. "No, they're just great quality. But that idea's not half bad. You should dabble in furniture making."

"Side hustles aren't meant for a full-time coven leader," I told him with a wry smile.

"Spoken like someone who doesn't know how to aim high," he scoffed, while flipping pancakes on the griddle. "I might have to steal that mattress idea."

"I promise not to patent it."

Elaine gestured at the coffee pot over on the counter next to Caleb. "Go pour yourself a cup, Kai. You have a long day ahead of you."

"No longer than the rest," I commented, but I got up anyway, grabbing a clean mug and filling it up. "Do you guys have creamer?"

"Elaine gets that sugary stuff," Caleb told me. "Don't know if you'd like it. Something like, uh, what was it–caramel...chocolate swirl–"

"Holy shit, that's one of my favorites." Elated, I grabbed the fridge handle and sought out the familiar bottle. It was shelved with a variety of others and I had to commend the women for her worthy flavor choices.

"Whatever works for ya." Caleb shrugged, while Elaine sent him a triumphant look. I suspected the case of flavored creamers was something the married couple argued about pretty frequently and I just upped the score in Elaine's favor.

I returned to my seat after giving my coffee a generous dose of it and helped myself to the fruit platter that had barely been touched so far.

"Your girl's a late sleeper, huh?"

I had been sipping my coffee and nearly choked on it, when I realized the insinuation of Caleb's question.

"Sorry, who are we talking about?"

"That adorable Luna witch you came here with, who the hell else?" Caleb heaped golden-brown pancakes onto a plate and brought it over to the table spread, along with a bottle of maple syrup. "I told Elaine. She said it's about time, didn't you, sweetheart?"

She smiled, with just a tad of guilt, when I turned my wide-eyed stare to her. "I know it's not my business, but Caleb told me you brought her with you and my curiosity was piqued. I pegged you for a lone wolf."

I chewed on my pineapple wedge, slitting my eyes at Caleb. Nosy man. "Eva and I aren't together. We just carpooled here. Christ, Caleb."

"What?" He laughed defensively, spraying the frying pan and pouring egg batter inside. "With the way your eyes were on her while I was trying to have a damn conversation with you last night, I could only assume."

I deliberately ignored that observation, but my cheeks felt considerably warmer. I stabbed a plastic fork into a piece of watermelon and chewed on it.

"So, while we're at liberty to discuss it before she comes down here..." Caleb continued slowly, oblivious to the glare that I directed at his back. "You like her? Or are you gonna tell me bold-faced lies in my own home?"

Burned » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now