Bought n Sold

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She let her hand run through her dyed hair as she sat on her bed looking over her computer bored out of her mind "Whatcha doing?" Her light green eyes left the computer screen and looked up into her sisters darker ones "Nothing really, just bored." She answered honestly.

"Great. Mom and dad wanna have a talk with us downstairs." Love slowly rose up from her bed and followed her older sister to the living room.

"What's up?" She sat down and tried to find the answer in her parents facial expression- but failed.

"You know we love both of you girls, right?" Her mother started.

"And we would do anything for you both." Her father added, both sisters shared a strange look as they tried to understand where this coming from.

"Yeah? Are you guys getting a divorce or something?" Quarter leaned back into the couch as their parents shared a chuckle.

"Babies no!" Jocelyn, their mother, cooed as she laced her fingers with her husband's.

"Love, we got a phone call. There's no easy way to say this." Gregory, her father, spoke carefully as if she was about to break.

"Did something happen to D?" Worry filled her eyes as she thought of something happening to her life long best friend David, aka D.

"No not that either." Her mom quickly shut that down and Love gave a sigh of relief "Okay then what's going on? You guys are acting shady." Quarter was done with the beating around the bush.

"Love you're going to get married." Her mother blurted out without thinking her sentence through.

"What?!" Love was in complete disbelief as her sister sat there quietly with wide eyes trying to process what had just happened.

"A man, William Michaels called. He asked for Love's hand in marriage, he offered 2.5 million dollars when we turned down his first offer." Her dad looked at her and as her jaw dropped.

"My parents sold me?!" Love let out a loud frustrated groan as she felt the heat rushing through her body in anger.

"That's messed up." Quarter finally spoke and Love chuckled "You think?!"

"Calm down, please. William told us you would be meeting this boy, what was his name?" Jocelyn looked over at Gregory who thought hard for a second.

"Alacai? I do believe. Yes, Alacai." Love ran her fingers through her hair as she stood up angrily.

"You guys fucking sold me to a boy I don't even know!" Love stood there as her parents seemed surprised by her sudden outburst.

Love has never yelled at her parents, has never cussed in front of them- she was the daughter who feared disappointing them.

"It sounds like a bad thing, we know! But it can help everyone!" Gregory tried to buy her into the idea but Love was not giving in.

"Don't I have a say in this?" Love protests.

"Watch them say no!" Quarter chipped in again.

"No. We may have already agreed to it, you meet Alacai Monday." Love stopped before flopping down on the couch in defeat "You guys are unbelievable! Why would I want to marry a stranger?!" Love stormed off to her room and slammed the door before pulling out her phone.

"Hey?" Love looked back at her sister who had walked in and shut the door behind her.

"Don't cry it makes you ugly." Quarter quickly replied as she saw a few tears stray from her baby sisters eyes "I can't believe they sold me." Love allowed her sister to hug her tightly as she felt horrible inside.

Her parents sold her to a boy. And for what? To get money out of it. That was horrifying. Love knew they were struggling a bit with money but this was one hell of a low.

"They're assholes I know. I still can't wrap my head around the possibility of selling their kid." Quarter backed away and wiped the tears from her sisters face.

"Let's go get some ice cream or something. I don't think you should be around the house right now." Love got a smile at her sisters recognition of how hurt she was.

Quarter was the quick witted, smart mouth that seemed like she was too cool for school- even though she studied every night and aced almost every test she got when she was in high school. Quarter could be a rebel at times, with her few small tattoos, platinum blonde hair and the row of earrings trail blazing her ear- she was a stunning girl with a beautiful personality.

Love was the opposite, she was more quiet and bubbly, always followed the rules and when she did finally dye her hair it went to a natural strawberry blonde shade instead of her original dark brown. She had piercings as well but not a whole row of them, just some placed here and there.

"We can also go pick up David." Quarter reassured her sister.

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