Bought n Sold

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The car was silent until Quarter pulled up to David's small loft styled apartment "What's up girls?! I'm glad y'all decided to invite me out, I was bored." David cheered as he got into the backseat of Quarter's Corolla.

"It's not that great of day, Dave." Quarter pulled off and David looked between the two different sisters.

Love had a smaller and rounder face compared to Quarter's slightly longer and chubbier face. Love had light green eyes that shined brightly in the sun where Quarter had brown ones that looked almost hazel in the sunlight- both girls were gorgeous inside and out when one got to know them.

"My parents sold me to get married to some asshole." Love didn't take her gaze from the passing buildings.

"No way! Shut up!" David couldn't believe what he just heard.

That wasn't like the Rolynn family at all. Love's family was very close, they did fight here and there but nothing too dramatic like the Kardashians would. Jocelyn and Gregory also seemed like perfect parents, they were always involved in school functions and helping their daughters the best way that they could. Love and Quarter have always admired their parents for their strong willed nature's that clashed together and made a power couple of parents out of the two adults.

"Yeah, they did! Then seemed surprised when I got mad!" Love turned and stared at her best friend and couldn't help it as a few years strayed free.

"Isn't that illegal?! Like sex slaves or whatever?" David picked at his nails as his anger started to beat up.

"Actually, Love is of the age of an adult now so it wouldn't really be like that. Plus, some cultures believe in arranged marriages like this one." Quarter was on her way to become a lawyer and it definitely showed at times like these.

"So, wait! You're fucking telling me this is legal?!" David sat forward to look better at Quarter who kept her eyes on the road.

"Technically yes, if they sign a contract it will also be in words. As long as she doesn't become a drug mule, a sex slave passed around and beaten then yeah an arranged marriage can be a legal one." Love bit down on her bottom lip as they pulled up to a ice cream parlor.

"This is the worst day of my life." Love groaned.

"Mine and yours both. How could your parents do this?" David got out of the car with the sisters as they walked up to the vendor and ordered their food.

"Money. Money, money, money." Quarter sat down and looked at her sister who seemed out of it "That is stupid. You guys aren't even in debt." David sighed.

"Yeah they are a tad bit." Love admitted making Quarter look at her sister confused "What?" Quarter questioned "Mom and dad have a bit of debt- not 2.5 million dollars worth of debt though." David nearly choked on his milkshake as he heard the last quiet part of Love's admission.

"They sold you for that much?" David quietly asked making Love nod.

"That isn't even your value though!" David played around with his straw as the other two quietly snacked on their orders "This sucks ass big time! There has to be something we can do." Quarter shoved her spoon deep into her sundae as she thought hard for a second.

"Object!" Quarter blurted out.

"What?" David and Love asked in unison making Quarter smile "Object to the marriage. Remember you're 18 no one can make you do anything you don't want to." Quarter explained.

"You said something about a contract though." David pointed out.

"Love would have to sign it to for it to be a legal binding contract, you can't sell a human without their consent." Quarter thought back to her law books as she spoke "That's brilliant! Quarter you're amazing!" Love got a huge smile as she hugged her sister tightly.

"Oh I know I am amazing, have you met me?" Quarter brightened her smile as her sister pulled back "Looks like this meeting Monday is going to go well." Love smiled.

"Just when I thought the day was awful it got brighter." David sighed happily "Thank the high heavens you got a sister looking to be a lawyer." Quarter pointed out.

"Yes, thank the high heavens indeed."

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