Bought n Sold

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"What are you doing, brother?" Byron stood behind his younger brother with his arms crossed. Byron couldn't see it but Alacai's eyes widened as he realized he had been caught "I was just-" He started to try and formulate a lie as he spun around to face his older brother "You were just being a creep and watching Love weren't you?" Byron reached around his brother and shut the door quietly.

"So what?" Alacai would never admit it but he did fear Byron in a way.

"She isn't yours to watch. She is a human." Alacai rolled his eyes at his brothers statement "Dammit you fucking idiot. Get it through your head that you have to actually treat that woman with respect if you ever want to get near her. If she decides to say no at the alter you'll look like a fool, mark my words Cai." Byron stormed off down the hallway as Alacai gritted his teeth.

"Fuck off." Alacai muttered as he slowly sulked back towards his bedroom.

The shower felt refreshing, the warm water hit her skin in a different way in this shower. Love believed it was solely due to the shower being more glamorous than the one her parents had. She sat on her bed looking outside the window that over looked the courtyard this family had wondering how this family managed all of this- especially with kids.

She was growing bored. Far to bored for her own good. Love allowed herself to walk out of "her" bedroom as she at least tempted the thought of talking to Alacai. She was forcing herself to believe that she might as well try and make the best of this situation.

The hallway's looked similar except for the fact that there were different decorations and rugs in them. This is how Love would get around- she would number the hallways and attribute the decorations and what not to that number.

"Number 5." She whispered as she noticed Alacai's door which was the same off white as other doors but with a crack down the front of it.

She approached the door swiftly and raised her hand to knock but thought against it instead she decided to open the door and just walk in- he was doing that to her so it was only fair right.

"What in the fu-" Alacai turned around staring at the smaller female in front of him.

This wasn't a cliche scene where he was shirtless. It was the opposite actually. Alacai stood there in a baggy hoodie and old basketball shorts as he held a mean look.

"I was bored." Love admitted "Don't you have a phone?" Alacai sounded meaner then what he originally intended as he thought back to what his brothers had told him "Well I-"

"That's enough. You can chill in here if you want." Alacai felt awkward for once. He brought his shoulders back as he nodded towards the couch "What about a movie or something." Love raised her eyebrows in shock almost as what the man in front of her just said.

"That sounded forced." She brought a breath in expecting him to become rude but instead he shrugged.

"I can be a real dick. But, if I am supposed to marry you then-"

"What? Supposed?" Love questioned "Your parents bought me! Don't tell me you didn't know about this." Alacai saw the pain that stabbed her heart at the first part of her sentence.

"I chose you. I saw you and I wanted you." Alacai hated himself for admitting that to her but he felt somewhat better once he saw her face soften "You chose me?" Love pushed past Alacai and sat on the couch "Let's just watch a movie or something? No more talking?"

Alacai could understand her request and he would be lying if he didn't admit that it made him feel better to ignore what just happened. He let Love pick the movie- she chose a comedy movie he had never heard of before. Alacai would periodically look over when she would laugh and he noticed how her smile brightened the entire surface of her face.

He became obsessed with the movie himself until he realized Love was not laughing anymore. His cold dark eyes moved over to her body where he found her curled up in the fetal position. Alacai began to question himself on when she had moved before he realized she was asleep.

He picked her up carefully and moved her over to his bed and where he laid her down. Alacai placed the blanket over her shoulders and stood there admiring her for a second. He smiled to himself. That smile was for the simple fact that he realized she was comfortable enough to fall asleep in his room- he quickly hid his smile as he flopped himself down on his couch and just stared at the ceiling.

"Goodnight beauty. Sleep tight."

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