Bought n Sold

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Love slowly walked over to the bed and laid down besides Alacai, he laid there with his eyes closed and both his hands clasped behind his head. His breathing was even and steady, Love studied him noticing the small freckles that weren't noticeable before that splattered on his face.

The dusty blonde shaggy hair he had looked soft and slightly fluffy, it was evident that he has had his hair dyed to this color as his darker roots were showing, they matched his dark and thick eyebrows that seemed to stay furrowed even when he was just peacefully laying down. Love noticed the darker tinted slightly thicker lips Alacai had and just as she had noticed them he sucked in a breath before running his tongue along his lower lip and let out a sigh.

Love looked up at the ceiling deciding she had looked at Alacai for long enough now "Have you graduated high school?" His accent rang throughout the room catching Love off guard "Um.. yeah just a couple months ago." Love answered not breaking her eye contact with the ceiling.

She expected him to say something else.


It was quiet, it was dead quiet and Love could feel the awkwardness creeping up her shoulders as she laid there wondering what the game plan was here. She took in a huge chunk of air as she felt every sense of fear take over her and she froze.

Alacai now hovered over her, his hands placed on both sides of her head, his body right above hers and his face just a mere 9 inches away. His tongue stuck out to hydrate his lips as he stared down at her, his eyes flickering back and forth between her own as he tried to find some kind of answer within her.

"Stay here." His voice was low, rich in accent but rough like gravel.

Within the bat of an eye Alacai was off of Love and walking out of the room "Where-"

"I said stay here." His voice was still rough as he walked out of the room and shut the door.

Love sat up and just sat there, what was his deal? Keller did tell her he had rough edges and was one not many could understand- but he's kinda weird.

Keller stopped Byron as they noticed their younger brother storming down the hallway "Are you alright?" Byron asked making Alacai stop "Yes brother, I am fine. What are you two up to?" Keller shrugged his shoulders.

"Was about to head out. Where's Love?" Keller questioned noticing she wasn't with Alacai, nor anywhere else in the manor.

"She's around here, I think her room." Alacai lied but he was as sly as a fox so you could never tell when he was lying "Well brother care to join us? Demetri would rather stay by the pool apparently." Alacai chuckled.

"He has this new thing about wanting to be how did he say it "crispy chicken tan" or something." Keller chuckles.

"Where are we headed?" Alacai asks as he starts walking with his brothers "A bar per say." Byron answered "You in a bar?" Alacai raised an eyebrow making Byron furrow his own.

"I can let loose at times." Alacai shook his head as he walked out of the house with his brothers and got into a limo that soon drove off.

Love sat in his room, alone. All alone. She got up and started walking around, looking at the abstract band posters hung on the wall. Love ran her finger across the exposed brick wall that Alacai had built intentionally for himself. His room was composed of a California King bed on a thick metal bed frame that was elegant and chic, wrapped in a black blanket that covered the entire bed and then some.

A single couch set near the large wall mounted Tv that had a video game system and a thousand games sprawled under it. He had a cliche bedroom it seemed- but now Love was tired. This isn't her room and she doesn't have to stay here just because Alacai told her too.

Love opened the bedroom door and started walking around the massive home "Do you need a tour?" Love jumped as she noticed Demetri standing at the end of the hallway in swimming trunks and nothing more.

"No thanks, I just wanna find my room." Demetri let out a laugh and Love took that as a challenge "What you think I can't find my room?"

"I didn't say that." Demetrius intrigued "You laughed so you meant something like that." Love accused.

"Alright, fine sorry I am not giving you enough credit. But, this is a large house." Demetrius gave in.

"You're telling me."

"How about we make this game? Whoever gets to your room first wins." Demetrius challenged.

"Is that even fair you've lived here your whole life." Love pointed out.

"I lived in this house 13 years, my mother and father split up 16 years ago my mother took me to Paris where she lived for a while. Then they got back together when I was 3 and we moved in here." Demetrius explained.

"What does the winner get?" Demetrius thought hard before he smiled a devilish smile.

"I don't like that smile." Love admitted making it grow on Demetrius' face.

"The winner gets throw the loser in the pool." Love giggled "That's not that bad." Demetrius nods his head.

"From the roof. Go!" And with that Demetrius took off before Loves eyes.

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