Bought n Sold

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Love stared into his dark cold eyes as he gave a warm smirk towards her "This is our daughter Love." Jocelyn introduced her as she feared Love wouldn't introduce herself.

"These are my brothers Byron, Keller and Demetrius, and my father William." Alacai introduced them to Loves family.

"This my mom and dad Jocelyn and Greg, this is my sister Quarter." Love finally spoke up and Alacai tilted his head to the side a bit as he heard her voice for the first time.

"Please come inside." Alacai had taken the reigns now, and William was all too impressed with his son. Quarter and Love stayed side by side as they walked into the large manor.

"I apologize my mother couldn't be here today, she's in Tahiti for business." Alacai explained as he walked the guests and his family through the mazed hallways towards the elegant and huge living room.

"Please, take a seat." The families split and sat on opposite couches facing one another.

"So, Love and Quarter huh?" William questioned making the girls nod.

"Byron, Keller, Alacai and Demetrius huh?" Quarter poked back and William chuckled "My wife likes extravagant things." William answers.

"Are we sure those are extravagant and not just out there?" Quarter questions making the boys look at her "Quarter!" Her mother quietly scolds "No, no. It's alright." Alacai assures Jocelyn.

"Our mother did give us weird names, and we know it!" Byron had a thicker and musty accent as he cracked his first smile "Well we did the same." Jocelyn gave a faint smile as Love and Quarter just sat there.

"Are you a shy girl, Love?" William asked making Love stare directly into his piercing blue eyes "No." Love answered simply.

"Come with me." Keller stood up and Love looked at him slightly wide eyed "I won't hurt you, or even touch you." Love reluctantly removed herself from the couch and followed Keller.

"It's hella weird, I know." Keller broke the ice and Love looked at him "What is?" She asked "Don't play dumb." Keller looked at her with kind eyes unlike Alacai's cold and hard ones.

"The being bought for marriage thing. It's why you're quiet and why you're sister is being cocky- which is nice normally girls waltz in here all excited because they are marrying someone rich." Keller shoved his hands in his pockets and Love relaxed a bit.

"Why does your family do this?" Love asked making Keller shrug.

"Long life family tradition. It's a weird one. You don't have to be scared, or terrified of my family. The best they are is smartasses." Keller admits.

"Alacai is a tough boy to understand, he's got walls built for miles and built miles high. He's very rough around the edges so watch it cause you might cut yourself on those edges." Keller explains.

"Why would I want to marry him?" Love gave a quick eye roll and Keller smiled "Because you'll never find another man who will fight for you as hard as he will." Keller answers.

"Love, he is no easy man to be around. But once you get to know my little brother he has a whole different side to him. A sweeter and kinder side, one not many see of him." Keller looks at her and Love slowly nods.

"Besides sometimes he can be funny, but it's most unlikely." Love got a small smile and Keller grinned.

"Thank you for this little chat." Love ran her tongue along the inside of her teeth thinking hard on what was just said to her.

"I hope everything is going well. Lunch is ready." Alacai found his brother talking to Love just outside of Alacai's bedroom "Good, walk her to the dining room." Keller then walked off to disappear leaving Love and Alacai to stand there.

"Care to walk with me?" Alacai offered making Love look at him "I mean how else would I get there?" Alacai got a small smirk and turned on his heel to lead Love to the dining room "I hope my brother didn't scare you off." Love looked at Alacai and shook her head.

"Just kinda warmed me up to this whole thing. Or at least tried to." Love replied.

"I know this is probably weird for someone like you to come into an expensive house and all but it's not that bad." Love stopped for a second.

"What do you think my family is? Poor?" Love questioned.

"I mean not this rich right?" Alacai shrugged.

"Definitely not poor." Love cut off the conversation there and Alacai walked with pride as they entered the dining room.

"Alacai! Love! Please take a seat." Love noticed how two chairs were sat directly by one another- and they happened to be the only ones free.

"Thank you father." Alacai pulled Loves chair out before sitting down in the chair next to hers.

Quarter made direct eye contact with Love and gave her a small reassuring smile.

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