Bought n Sold

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Friday had passed smoothly, Saturday had passed with a rocky start and now today was Sunday and it was rockier than the start of Saturday "You can't object to this marriage, Love!" Jocelyn looked at her daughter with heartbroken eyes.

"And why not? It's my choice if I get married!" Love protested "Tomorrow isn't the day you decide to marry him! Tomorrow you go to stay with him!" Love stopped "What?" She questioned.

"Tomorrow you meet him at his house, we will be allowed to go with you. You'll meet him and his family before we all sit down to lunch together and just talk. Then me and your mother will leave and you stay with him. The wedding won't happen for another few months." Gregory explained.

"That's even more stupid!" Love fought back.

The front door shut as Quarter walked in from her late shift at the townie diner "What's going on?" Quarter asked as she plopped her purse and keys down on the kitchen counter "Mom and dad just explained to me how tomorrow they are going to leave me with this guy and his family." Love didn't peel her eyes off of her parents as she spoke.

"Seriously?" Quarter questioned.

"They are going to pay us tomorrow." Jocelyn admitted quietly.

"You guys are a joke of parents! All of my life I always heard how you guys were perfect parents, I even admired you guys for the longest time! And now what? A little money is offered to you guys and suddenly you don't remember how to be a parent?!" Love bursted open on her raw feelings.


"No! You guys are worse than the rich parents of this prick going off and buying a random families daughter to marry their son! At least at this point I can say they want me more than you guys do! They are throwing away money on me while you pick it up over me!! What kind of parents even do that?!"

"Oh I know! The shitty low life ones!" Love stormed off to her room and collapsed against the door as she felt herself fall apart on the inside and out.

"Damn, well she was right." Quarter looked at her parents who gave her a glare before they, themselves fell apart on the inside but not the out.

"She was right, but maybe she could've used nicer words." Quarter tried to patch it up but without completion of her task "I need a shower." She walked off leaving her parents to mope at the kitchen island.

It was an explosive night last night, one that rocked the Rolynn household all night long. Love sat on her bed looking down at her Nike Air's wondering what today would lead too. Love was made clear that she was to show up today, and that she would be staying with this Alacai dude.

Who even names their kid Alacai? Well, Love and Quarter were weird names also.

"Are you ready?" Love turned around quickly seeing her sister standing in the door way "I thought you had work." Quarter cracked a smile and shook her head "I told them I needed today off for certain, I need to be there with you." Quarter's eyes fell onto the three things of luggage that were packed tight with Love's clothes and shoes.

"They told me I needed to pack all of my clothes. No choice." Quarter felt the burning sensation of tears filling her eyes but quickly blinked them away "The limo just pulled up." Quarter looked lost in a daze as she stared at the shining wood floor of her sisters room.

"I guess we gotta go then." Quarter grabbed two handles to two of the rolling luggage as Love threw a zip up duffel bag onto her shoulder and grabbed the last roll away luggage handle.

The car ride was quiet, it was dead quiet. You would've been able to hear a sewing needle drop onto the carpeted floors of the limousine. Love and Quarter sat next to one another of the far seats from their parents.

"Holy shit that house is huge." Quarter marveled at the massive house they were pulling up to where five men stood outside with two guards standing at the front door of the huge mansion.

"Welcome to Michaels Manor!" William greeted as the guests stepped out of the car.

"Thank you so much for having us." Gregory extended a smile as Quarter and Love stood three feet to the left of their parents.

Alacai noticed how the sisters stood tall and proud with a warrior look on their beautiful faces.

"My name is Alacai."

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