Bought n Sold

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The birds were chirping as the window allowed rays of sunlight to dance on the floor. Love shifted slightly in the bed as she buried her face into the pillows before her breathing came to a halt. She raised her head off of the pillow that was covered in a silk black pillow case- this wasn't her bed.

The memories of yesterday flooded back into her brain and cleared the fog. Of course. How could she forget?

Love then began to scan the room for him. She expected him to be a creep and to be curled up in the bed next to her but she was wrong.

Love slowly made her way out of the bed and over to the couch where she found Alacai sleeping. The hood to his hoodie was pulled over his messy blonde hair as his lips stayed slightly parted. Love felt bad that he slept on the couch while she was in his bed. Love brought the blanket from the bed and covered him as she decided to head back to her own room.

"Thank you Alacai." She whispered as she walked out of his bedroom and made her slight haul back to her bedroom.

"What are you doing up so early?" Demetri stopped Love in her tracks as she turned around to look at him.

"I could ask you the same thing?" Demetri grinned as he held a biology book up in the air waving it around "I am in school silly. I don't graduate for another year." Love raised an eyebrow "I'm 16 and graduating early. Were you in Cai's room?"

"Is that his nickname?" Demetri shrugged with a slight roll of his eyes "He hated the name Alacai when he was a kid so Keller started calling him Cai and it just stuck. But back to my question were you-"

"Yes. I watched a movie with him last night. I really didn't wanna sit in my thoughts and I was bored." Demetri got a smile and nodded his head.

"I guess he is like your fiancée or whatever so you might as well start to get used to his moody attitude."

"You two aren't very close are you?" Love questioned as she realized that the two have moved down the hallway and are now at least 3 feet apart.

"Not anymore.. We used to be. I think I just became too much you know becoming a teenager and all. Can't say I don't miss the prick." Love snickered as Demetri grinned "He is a pain in the ass. But he's alright." He assured her.

"It was a nice chat but I have to get back to my studies and my online class. Have a good day L." Love turned around and slowly made her way back to her room as she smiled at the nickname she was given. It almost felt like she was wanted here and that made her feel comfortable.

"Good morning Cai." Demetri grinned wide as Alacai stumbled into the kitchen yawning.

"Why the hell are you grinning? What time is it?" Alacai ruffled his hair as he looked at the wall clock "It's 1:30? PM?" Alacai questioned making Demetrius grin even more.

"Did you have a good night with Lo-" Demetri stopped when Alacai glared at him "It was really just a movie then.." Alacai raised an eyebrow.

"I ran into L this morning." He explained "Where is she?" Alacai then remembered that she wasn't in his bed when he walked out of his room.

Before Demetrius could say anything Love had entered the kitchen crossing her arms in her oversized sweater "It is freezing in here." She admitted as she walked over and sat at the kitchen island.

"Good morning." Alacai greeted first as he noticed his younger brother tried to beat him to it "Isn't it the afternoon? I thought I heard you say it was like 1 something." Alacai scoffed with a slight smirk.

"I did.. Where did you go this morning?" Alacai questioned "My room. Your bed isn't as comfortable." Love poked making Alacai turn around towards the fridge with a grin.

"What are you getting?" Love tried to peak her head around to see inside the fridge as Alacai was starting to try and sell himself the idea that this girl was not so bad after all.

"Iced coffee? Care to share brother?" Demetrius nudged Love with his elbow as Alacai groaned "You don't even drink coffee you just want to bug me." Demetrius faked a sad expression as he huffed out a breath of air.

"I was just about to talk about how nice you are. Instead you're a dick." Demetrius gathered his belongings and walked out of the kitchen as Alacai chuckled.

"Sure. I'm the dick." Alacai continued to pour two glasses of the coffee and slid one towards Love.

"So, what are your plans for today Love?"

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