Bought n Sold

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Lunch had gone over smoothly before Love watched a thick envelope get slid over to her parents- the cost of herself. Quarter looked at her sister who slowly leaned back in the chair and just stared at the envelope.

"Seriously?" Quarter had spoken without much thought, her anger over this had got the best of her.

"What's wrong, Quarter?" William asked trying to smooth over whatever it was going through her mind.

"Don't act like you don't know!" Quarter stared at William with a mad glare in her eyes "Quarter stop it." Gregory hushed out to his daughter.

"No! This is already hard enough on Love! Then she has to sit there and watch you slide money over that is used to buy her! That's sick. That's my little sister and I hate that she has to go through this because our parents are suddenly money hungry assholes." Quarter snapped as everyone stared at her.

"Knock it off." Jocelyn looked shocked and Quarter didn't back down.

"Not in a million years mom! You stabbed your own daughter in the back and then rubbed salt in the wound without a care to how she feels! I hope all of you sick bastards are happy with yourselves!" Quarter had a glare for anyone who would step up to her.

"I'm so sorry for her-"

"I ain't!" Quarter cut her mom off as the table fell silent.

"My deepest apologies Love." William looked at the girl who sat there by herself feeling better having watched her sister fight for her "Ratty people." Quarter stormed off looking for the exit as her parents jumped up to follow her.

"That was fun to watch." Alacai sent a deadly glare to Demetri who slowly rolled his eyes and flopped back in his chair.

"I apologize." Love spoke quietly.

"For what?" William questioned "My sister." Love answered.

"It's quite alright, this is strange and new for your family. We understand." William assures her.

"You guys are idiots!" Everyone heard Quarter yell.

"Excuse me." Love got up quickly and followed after her sisters screaming voice "I am going to try to help." Alacai followed after Love.

"Love!" Quarter latched onto her sister and hugged her tightly "Quarter are you okay?" Love looked at her parents who stood there looking hurt.

"Is everything alright?" Alacai stood behind the sisters with a cold look on his face "I might not like any of this but get them out of here!" Jocelyn gasped as Quarter glared at her parents.

"Love?" Her name rolled off his tongue with ease as it was coated in his thick accent "Do it." Love nodded knowing the decision was left to her now "You heard her, get out before I get the guards to throw you out." Alacai directed them to the front door and they left without another word spoken.

A few hours had passed now and Love sat in her new bedroom with Quarter- who had decided to stay and help her get things put away.

Her bedroom was huge now, high ceilings a light baby yellow coat of paint on the walls, carpet floors that are a medium dark beige color. Her bed was tucked up against the wall of windows, four wooden bed posts held up the fabric that hung onto the bed and acted like a headboard. It was elegant.

She had two massive dressers, and a walk in closet so all of her clothes were put away neatly.

"This room is massive." Quarter practically drooled "Isn't it?" Love looked around the room and could smell the faint smell of cinnamon rolls "It smells good too." Love suddenly pointed out.

"I lit the candle." Quarter admitted "Oh, it smells good though." Love laid back on the bed and let a sigh fall off her lips "Are you going to be okay here?" Quarter asked.

"Yeah, go on home. I know you got homework." Love hugged her sister one final time before walking her to the limo that was taking her home.

"Your sister has gone home." Love turned to look at Alacai and she nods "Thanks captain obvious." Alacai grabbed her wrist gently as she went to walk past him.

"Let me go." She demanded making Alacai tighten his grip just a bit.

"Come with me." Alacai led her to his room and shut the door "Why did we come here?" Alacai didn't say a word instead he walked over to his bed and flopped down on it as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Are you just going to stand there all day admiring how hot I am?"

"Or are you going to join me?"

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