Bought n Sold

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Love's feet took off, carrying her faster than she thought possible. Her side was cramping up as she saw her bedroom door, but then she stopped as it opened up and showed Demetrius "No fair." Love panted and Demetri simply shrugged his shoulders.

"A bet is a bet." He hoisted Love over his shoulder and carried her all the way outside "Hey! Put me down!" Love complained.

"As you wish." Demetri set her down but instead of setting her down on the concrete he had thrown her into the pool.

Love came up to the surface with a loud frustrated groan "What the hell dude?! My clothes!" Love calmed down once she heard Demetri completely lose it and start laughing causing her laugh as well as she lifted herself out of the pool "Thanks for the help." Love laughed "Here." Demetri handed her his towel allowing Love to start drying her hair.

"Can I get that house tour?" Love asked making Demetri smirked "About time you ask. I think I'm gonna like having you as a sister." Demetri admitted as he started to lead Love throughout the house showing her the bathrooms, the kitchen, exercise room and more.

"And every bedroom has a bathroom attached to it. There are moreso just guest bathrooms." Demetri concludes the tour "How long did that take?" Demetri and Love looked up to see Alacai standing there with a hard look in his eyes "Only an hour and a half." Demetri answered.

"Love is a pretty cool girl, too bad she loses bets." Demetri quirked before walking off.

Alacai followed Love to her room and he shut the door behind himself "I thought I told you to stay in my room?" Alacai questioned coldly "I guess I didn't listen." Love tossed the towel she had been carrying onto her bed as she walked past it.

Alacai turned her around and stood face to face with her, their faces just mere centimeters away his nose was brushing against hers and Love felt a sense of excitement run through her "You better learn to listen." His voice was low and musky something Love found was drawing her in.

"You aren't a parent of mine! I don't have to listen to what you tell me!" Love looked into his dark and cold eyes, they showed no emotion and that should've scared her away- it should've made her cower into a corner and try her best to ignore him.

"No, I'm not one of your parents because they gave you up for money." Alacai jabbed and it hurt Love, she felt her heart wilt and her actions were blurred as she shoved Alacai far from her.

A spew of cussing came from her as she thrashed and clawed at Alacai who tried to come near her. Until he finally had enough and wrapped his arms around her tightly bringing her tight against his chest, her nose was buried into his shoulder and she could smell his musk and she found it smelled good, and comforting.

Tears escaped her eyes as she realized what he said was true, a quiet sob left her mouth and Alacai felt bad. His demeanor changed from a cold heartless man to one who was caring and warm "Shh." He quietly cooed as he held onto her, he got a small flicker of a smile as he felt her hands grip onto the back of his shirt tightly and just hold onto him.

He moved himself over to her bed and sat down pulling her down into his lap, Love sat there crying quietly and holding onto the man who was ruining her family dynamic. But if truth could be told Love just didn't want to be alone right now.

Alacai glanced down when he noticed her breathing steadied down and her crying quit, she had fallen asleep with her face buried into the crook of his neck and her hands balling his shirt up into her small fists. Alacai shifted himself so he could lay her down on her bed.

Alacai took the time to look over her beautiful features, he looked from her small button nose to how her bottom lip slightly stuck out while she slept. He brushed a few stray strands out of her face as he let out a content full sigh "I'm sorry for my words." Alacai apologized quietly not wanting to disturb the sleeping girl.

Alacai did honestly feel bad for what he said to her, it was a heated argument and it was his fault and he knows that but his pride and ego won't let him admit that to the world. Alacai got up from her bed and walked out of her room.

"You don't have to be such an ass to her. She's a funny girl, she's also kind in heart- you need to treat her like a person and not your possession." Alacai was stunned at Demetrius' comment.

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