Chapter 18 - Let's See Where This Takes Us

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"Mav, what the fuck is going on?"

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"Mav, what the fuck is going on?"

I avoid looking at Toni when I ask, "What do you mean?" She doesn't even try to hide her exasperated huff and eye roll. She throws the blanket she was folding down onto the bed in a sloppy bundle and puts her hands on her hips.

"Cockshit," she says. 

I knew she could tell that something was wrong the moment I walked in the door. I thought for sure I could act like nothing happened, but guilt has been eating away at me. I can hardly look at Toni without seeing Ginessa trying to kiss me and I feel like I am going to vomit every time I realize I let her get so close to me. 

Instead of being a man about it and owning up last night, I acted like a goddamn coward. I can feel that she is hurt by this, but now I don't know how to even start this conversation. I never wanted to hurt her. 

I sigh knowing that I have to tell her. She could figure it out on her own and that would not end well for me.

"It's irrational, but I just don't want you to be mad at me or something," I tell her, my voice quiet. Any and all irritation drops from her demeanor and she only looks concerned.

"What?" she questions. "What are you talking about? Did something happen?" I only nod my head in response.

"I mean...nothing happened, but something happened," I tell her. She looks annoyed by my non-answer. I pause, trying to think of what to say and how to phrase it. "I had no idea she was here, I swear, but-"

"Who's here?" she asks, her eyebrows raising. I can tell that many different thoughts are running through her head right now. Unfortunately, my mate is smart even without her magical intuition. "Holy fuck, you saw your ex-bitch."

"She saw me when I was taking a walk yesterday," I admit immediately. "Nothing happened. I mean, I almost shifted and killed her ass, but Marald showed up before I lost control."

She looks taken aback by my statement before furrowing her eyebrows.


"Well, I want to be totally honest with you," I cut her off, not meeting her gaze. "She tried to apologize for being a ruthless wench and I think she suggested we even get back together, but I was too angry to be paying full attention at that point."

"Okay, that's fine," she says quickly, as if not even fully hearing me. My eyes snap to her and my eyebrows raise in shock. "You mean to tell me this all happened yesterday and you're only telling me now?" She looks angry and I can practically feel my soul collapsing in on itself. 

I mean, I knew there was a chance she would be upset, but this conversation is not going at all like how I had planned when I made the choice originally. I was supposed to explain to her why I waited to tell her before I even told her. I resist the urge to drag a hand down my face in frustration. She doesn't need to think I'm upset with her.

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