Chapter 19 - Too Good To Be True

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"Would you put it in already?"

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"Would you put it in already?"

"Oh, like you could do it better," my brother grunts. "It's really slippery, Estonia."

My mouth falls open and I try not to jump to conclusions as I near the kitchen. My siblings are making dinner; at least, that's what Emerald said they were doing when I saw her outside. What in the world are they talking about?

"You're not lining it up properly, dumbass," Estonia's voice replies back. I almost choke on my own spit.

Castian makes a sarcastic remark, but I can't hear what he says over a loud clanging noise. Estonia laughs hysterically and teases him for making a mess.

I round the corner and gasp at the sight.

"And to answer your question, brother, I don't have to be a prude and wait for a mate," she says teasingly, not even noticing my arrival. "I've had plenty of practice lining things up!"

Castian growls angrily and slams a literal roll of meat onto the counter.

"What the fuck is going on in here?" I ask.

I look around the kitchen, noticing a weird, orange colored batter splattered all over the floor and a few counters. A large snake-looking animal sits in a long baking dish. It appears they were attempting to stuff the animal with the meat-dick and then smother it with the batter.

It smells delicious, it just looks...atrocious.

So...this is my family. 

They did a great job of giving off respectable first impressions even through the light-hearted banter. But, I can tell that crazy stuff like this is a lot more common around here. 

I love it.

"Clare!" Estonia shouts. She is frozen in place with wide eyes staring at me. "You're not supposed to be here!"

"Why does it sound like there's incest going on in here?" Wyatt's voice interrupts as he enters the room. He takes in the sight for a few moments, his eyes flicking between the snake creature and the roll of meat before he nods once. "Alright, yeah, that makes sense." Without another word, he leaves the room.

Fucking wolves and their curious ears. He's not even going to help clean up?

"Gods, you guys," I chuckle. "Why do you have to make it sound like you're fucking the snake?"

"Because it pisses Mom off," Castian replies instantly, bursting out in laughter. "Normally she does what your wolf buddy did. Storms in here all upset, like we might actually be having sex?" He doubles over in laughter again, clutching at his stomach.

"Well, she stopped doing it about two years ago because she realized that's the reaction we wanted," Estonia beams with a giggle. "Wyatt's face was even funnier."

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