3. New you

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The stall door was opened no thanks to your brother Tetsutetsu. You would be lying if you said you didn't look like a complete mess. Your eyes were blood shot, your skirt was stained from the tears that had fallen onto the fabric, the sleeves of your school uniform's blazer also stained from tears. You felt your brothers strong arm's wrap around you tightly in a comforting manor. The jester slightly brought you out of your thoughts of Izuku. "Tetsutetsu? What are you doing in here? This is the girls restroom." You spoke through a hoarse voice, "We brought him here to open the door and check on how you're doing." Miss.Midnight's voice echoed through the bathroom walls. It was then that you finally looked up from your legs, over your brothers shoulder and saw Miss.Midnight standing there next to a broken stall door that was thrown off the hinges likely from your brothers quirk.

"Do you mind telling us what's going on?" Her voice was soft, comforting almost though as you thought about why you were so upset to begin with only more tears began to fall. Your brother tensed up slightly when he felt fresh tears land on his shoulder. He was worried, he has never seen you like this before, you never cried unless you were physically hurt. Little did he know your heart felt like it was being ripped into two. "Deku.." You started only to break out into a small sob. "Who is Deku?" Miss.Midnight questioned, she was familiar with all students and enrolling first years at UA but that name never came to surface. "Izuku Midoriya." Your brother clarified answering Miss.Midnight's question allowing you to continue. "He told me he had no quirk. We grew up together as best friends bonding over the fact that we were quirkless compared to the rest of our classmates and today's society." You sniffled hugging your brother tighter. "Did you see what he just did out there in that practical entrance exam? That was the power of a quirk. We all know that, no quirkless human could do such a thing." You looked up at Miss.Midnight continuing your explanation. "For years he told me he was quirkless, I told him I was too. I showed him my weak side, he was my best friend. How can my best friend of nearly six years lie about having a quirk to me? What did he benefit from that? I feel betrayed and hurt like my heart is being torn in two. If he lied about something like this what else did he lie about? Is he even my friend? I don't know anymore.." You wiped your eyes again as you stayed comfortable in the comfort of your brothers tight hug.

"I am very sorry to hear that Y/N. I am not sure the value behind hiding a quirk from your best friend. I have never experienced that so I am not the best at advice in that department though I do recommend that you come back to class. I know you are hurting right now but you can not let your emotions effect your first day of class' here at UA. Principal Nezu is very particular on each student's individual grades and while what you are going through is significant enough to miss class in any other school; here at UA it is not accepted. I want you to succeed in my business course, you show great talent and I would hate to see it be thrown away over someone who betrayed you like this." Miss.Midnight's words were well spoken. She had a point, UA was not an easy school to get into. The acceptance rate is lower than average in all of the district. You were lucky to be able to attend the business course at UA as only the best of the best got to enter into the course. You were being taught by a pro hero, you could not waste this opportunity. 

"Miss.Midnight is right Y/N, I know Izuku is or was your best friend but you can not let him be the reason you do not succeed. The best revenge is by proving that you do not need him. You can be successful with or without him by your side. You're part of the Tetsutetsu family, you can do this." Your brother encouraged you as well as helped you up to your feet. You chuckled softly mainly to yourself as you looked between your brother and your teacher. "You both are right, I am sorry I got so caught up in my own emotions that I am potentially wasting valuable learning experiences. Thank you Miss.Midnight and thank you Tetsutetsu for checking up on me. I think I will be okay now." You smiled brightly, going over to the sink to gently wash your face. Once you finished you turned to look at your teacher, "Is it too late to come back to class?" You questioned almost insecure because she saw you like this. "Not at all Y/N but the lunch bell is about to ring so why not go get something to eat and drink then come back to class." Miss.Midnight smiled back at you, your stomach growled silently, you were hungry after all. The timing couldn't have been more perfect as the lunch bell rang. Miss.Midnight laughed loudly, "My senses are still as keen as ever. I do hope you feel better Y/N. I will see you after lunch." She left the bathroom soon after with you and your brother in trail. 

"Y/N come eat with me and my friends today. I made a few new friends who got in through recommendations as well and they seem really kind. It would be good for you to meet new people. You can get your mind off of things." Tetsutetsu smiled gently guiding you out of the bathroom. Normally he would more or less have gotten in trouble for breaking school property ie. the bathroom stall door but he needed to to gain access to you since you were not responding to your teachers questions. "Yeah, I would love to." You smiled back walking besides your brother and down to the cafeteria. Today will be a new day, a day where I do not need to rely on anyone. I will not let Deku hurt me again. This is a new school, a new year and a new me. You thought to yourself with confidence as you stood next to your brother in the lunch line. This change would be good for you, you needed to be more independent. Izuku could not be trusted anymore. He lied to you about something to major, he could not be forgiven easily. Your guard was up and as long as you had your brother by your side you were invincible. 

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