4. Cafeteria

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Lunch. The meal that is supposed to be spent surrounded by your classmates and friends during the middle of a school day. You always enjoyed lunch time because it was a break from your rigorous studying. You took your grades during middle school a lot more seriously when you found out that you had the option to apply to UA. You were planning on attending a regular high school in your district but your brother Tetsutetsu convinced you otherwise. He said mom and dad both went to UA so we should too. "You don't have to be a hero to go to UA Y/N. You can apply for General Studies, Support course, Business Management even English." You could hear your brothers voice replay in your head. Sure he teased you sometimes but that's just what siblings do. He was the reason you went to UA and started taking class more seriously. Tetsutetsu supporting you now meant more to you than anything and you refused to let him down.

Usually you would have sat with your usual group of friends Izuku, Asui, Yaoyorozu, Kuroiro and Monoma. Your brother never came around your friend group since he was a year older and had his own friends. You were happy you fit in the age gap to be in the same school year as your brother, having him around made things a lot easier. It was nice to be around someone you were familiar with when you were in a new experience especially family. You sighed to yourself as you grabbed an empty tray and began to fill your tray with food. You would sit with your brother today since all your old friends were in the hero course and probably didn't have the same lunch schedule as you not during practical exams at least. You grabbed a few rice balls and placed them on your tray. Hm what else do I want to eat? Crying sure took a lot of energy out of me and I want to be prepared to make up for my lost work in class after lunch. I need something filling like hm... OH SOBA! You laughed to yourself as you reached over the counter to grab a bowl of soba. You liked your noodles cold and soba was a perfect option for that compared to the other hot prepared dishes presented around the cafeteria.

As you reached for the bowl you bumped into someone, startling you. "Oh I'm so sorry!" You quickly apologized bowing your head. "No that's quite alright. It was my fault, I was not looking. You can go first." His voice was low and calm, an unfamiliar one. You looked up for the first time to see a boy with split colored hair standing next to you, he was almost as tall as your brother. You laughed softly grabbing your bowl of soba, "Thank you. My name is Y/N. It is nice to meet you." You introduced yourself, this was a perfect opportunity to make new friends. The situation was not ideal but when is ever an ideal situation to make a friend? "I am Shoto Todoroki." He responded kindly. Shoto? Todoroki?.... Your mind wondered as the name sounded oddly familiar. You sparked with interest when you realized he was one of the student's you were studying during your business course. He was in the entrance exams! Wait.. why is he here? Does that mean Izuku is too? You pondered silently. "I've got to get going, it was nice to meet you." His soft tone broke your thoughts. "O-oh! You as well!" You cheered out waving goodbye. Geez Y/N could you be anymore clueless? Let's just grab a water and sit down with your brother and his friends already. You scolded yourself as you did just that, the last thing you wanted to do right now was to run into Izuku and deal with that confrontation. It was not what you needed.

"Y/N over here!" Your brother called out to you with a wave, you nodded making your way to his table taking a seat next to him. "Everyone this is my younger sister Y/N." Tetsutetsu introduced you as you looked around. His friends all seemed to be smiling at you, maybe they were as nice as he said. "Y/N these are my friends; Itsuka Kendo, Juzo Honenuki, Sen Kaibara and Setsuna Tokage!" Your brother seemed proud to introduce his friends to you. It made you smile, "Hello." You greeted them receiving the same response back. You quietly ate your food ignoring talking as much as you could. Your throat was hoarse and you already made a fool out of yourself in front of Shoto. The last thing you wanted to do was embarrass yourself more not in front of your brothers new friends too. You learned they were all enrolled in the hero course as well. That's not surprising considering where else would your brother have made new friends. 

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