9. Fumikage Tokoyami

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The next student to approach your desk was Fumikage Tokoyami, he was one of the students you focused in on on your first assignment during your first day of classes. Just like Shoto he showed potential. His quirk was powerful, you never met someone who could manifest a quirk like that. Dark Shadow seemed to have his own mindset, he could communicate with Tokoyami and listen to orders. "Hello! My name is Y/N please take a seat!" You smiled warmly as Tokoyami approached your desk. He took a seat in the same chair Shoto sat in, he seemed more on guard; you wondered why. Was it part of the hero course training or was it their personality? You brushed aside your thoughts.

"Hello I am Fumikage Tokoyami." He introduced himself, not that he needed to, you knew him quite well already. You were excited to get the chance to interview him one on one, hopefully things go as smooth as they did with interviewing Shoto. "I am going to ask a series of questions, there are no right or wrong answers. I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts." You smiled again handing him a water bottle as you flipped to a new page in your notebook writing down his name. "I saw you ranked well during the practical exams for the hero course, did you have any training before hand with your quirk?" You started off with an easy off question. "I did not have any training before the practical exams. In fact I went on a whim, I have my quirk Dark Shadow and while he is part of me he has his own mindset. If an area is too dark Dark Shadow can become out of control, it's why I have not had any training outside of UA." You wrote down his answers, it was odd hearing his voice for the first time. He seemed passionate about his answers, you could tell he wasn't lying to you.

"Is the reason you enrolled into UA's hero course because of your inability to train your quirk?" You knew it was a personal question but you needed to get sincere and honest questions so you could promote him to agency owners. "It is part of the reason; yes. I have always admired UA since as long as I can remember. It is the school everyone who wants to become a pro hero wants to attend. They train the best next generation students and I knew if I wanted a chance with training Dark Shadow UA would be the place to do it." He was stern, his tone more serious than it was earlier. You knew it was a touchy subject digging into someone's personal struggles with their quirk but the more you knew the better their odds are of being scouted.

"I see, do you believe the staff here at UA have been doing a plausible job with helping you manifest Dark Shadow?" Your notebook was filled with his answers just like Shoto's page, things were looking good for you and for those you were interviewing so far. "In the hero course we train with our quirks almost as much as we study with our academics. Given the circumstances, I can confidently say the staff here at UA have helped me train Dark Shadow in ways I would have never been able to do before. They take the time to get to know you and your personality and what things you are concerned with with your quirk or studies and they help you strengthen your weakness'." He took a sip of his water as he watched you write down his answers.

"That sounds like an amazing opportunity to have that network of support during the hero course, I wouldn't expect anything less." You hummed, you also took a sip of your water. "Is there any agencies you have been looking into being scouted by?" Your voice was gentle, you were more relaxed knowing that Tokoyami was just as easy going as Shoto despite the high guard. "I have not looked into being scouted by any agencies. I know the sports festival is coming up where we show off our potential as the next generation of future quirk users but I do not have the confidence to judge where I belong yet. I am willing to work with anyone who shows interest in me and Dark Shadow." You nodded your head writing down his response swiftly. 

"What do you think and Dark Shadow can bring this year to the sports festival that is different than what have seen previously with other first years?" You asked your final question allowing him a few moments to think before responding. "I have not seen a quirk like mine with any of my fellow peers during the entrance practical exams or within my own class. I can say confidently that with the abilities of Dark Shadow that I have been able to learn and train with here in my hero course that I am at an advantage." He smiled again but it wasn't one boasting his quirk, it was more of a calm smile. 

"Thank you Tokoyami for your time today and with your clear and honest answers. You show great potential for the next generation of future heroes. It was a pleasure getting to interview you." You sat up shaking his hand. "You as well Y/N." He parted ways with you returning back to the classroom. You knew another student was going to be approaching your desk shortly, you seemed less on edge and more confident in yourself as an interviewer. You took another sip of your water as you waited for the next student.

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