7. Meeting class 1-A

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One month had passed since your fateful conversation with Izuku, you have not spoken to him since. He eventually stopped showing up at your home to walk with your friends and brother to school. He would leave you alone at lunch and never texted or called. It was easier this way, he was allowing you to move on from the friendship you once had. His mother would text you occasionally asking why you haven't been around or if you would want to come over for dinner, you ignored those texts. She was like a second mother to you but at the end of the day, she was Izuku's mom first, she would always side with her son. How she was okay with her son lying about being quirkless for most of his life, you had no idea. 

That day when he told you can't tell you what happened or why he kept his quirk from you was a big turning point in own life. You focused more on your family and you course work, you spent most of your time hanging out with Tetsutetsu and his group of friends or you were at home studying in your room to prepare for this years sports festival. Your grades were top of your class and you haven't had one slip up since your first day of classes. Life seemed to being going good for you; Yaoyorozu soon came to find out what exactly happened between you and Izuku and she stuck by your side even apologizing for asking you to talk to him. She couldn't believe you actually did after being lied too to that severity. 

You couldn't focus on the past, it wasn't good for you so you moved forward. It was the middle of the school day at UA and you were assigned a special assignment as a peer mentor. Lunch had just finished and you were on the edge of your seat. Miss.Midnight assigned you to interview a few students from the first year hero course to see what agencies they thought of wanting to be scouted by and what they thought they could bring to this years sports festival that was different, something that would help them stand out. You would use this information from these interviews to speak one on one with a few agency owners at the sports festival during each students events. It would show a more business professional side of you and help scout you and your fellow first year students into some potentially amazing agencies. 

You decided it would easiest to go to class 1-A then class 1-B, you knew which class consisted of which students and what their quirk was. It was good to have basic knowledge of each individual you would interviewing rather than looking unprepared and asking them basic questions. If you wanted to help them get scouted you needed to ask the hard hitting questions, something personal that you wouldn't know about said person. You did not have enough time to interview each student from each class so you had to make a few selections. You know Izuku got into class 1-A and Tetsutetsu got into class 1-B. 

After looked over the class list a few times you decided to interview the following students from class 1-A; Shoto Todoroki, Fumikage Tokoyami, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Yuga Aoyama, and Katsuki Bakugo. You did not want to interview any of your friends that you grew up with to avoid biased answers. You especially did not want to interview Bakugo but his quirk was a powerful one and despite his rude demeanor you knew you could potentially help get him scouted into a few different agencies. The next list was class 1-B you decided to interview Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Neito Monoma, Pony Tsunotori, Yui Kodai, Bara Shiozaki and Manga Fukidashi. You had a total of twelve students to interview from the hero course. You knew interviewing your brother could cause the same conflicts as interviewing your friends but you wanted to help him out, he was family. 

You put on your best professional smile and knocked on the door to class 1-A. The door opened shortly after with the teacher coaxing you in to the classroom. "Hello I am Mr.Aizawa welcome to my classroom." You shook your hand with an endearing smile. You knew him as the hero Eraser Head, it was a big moment to be greeted so kindly by someone you used to read about in the news. "Hello I am Y/N it is a pleasure to be here, thank you for allowing me this opportunity." You bowed your head respectfully as you walked to the front of the room. You felt all eyes pierce into your silhouette, it surely felt intimidating. "Listen up class this is Y/N, she is a first year at the business management course here at UA. She was instructed to conduct interviews with certain students to better understand your quirks and what agencies you would like to see yourself involved with. Now she is not interviewing everyone due to time purposes so listen up as she may call your name." He spoke so monotone to the class before allowing you to have the full attention of the class.

"Hello as you may have just heard my name is Y/N and I am a first year business management course student. I was assigned to interview six students from each first year hero course to better understand your quirks and what agencies you personally would like to potentially be under in the near future." You repeated what Mr.Aizawa said but in a more friendly version, you looked around the classroom at the unfamiliar faces. You made eye contact with Izuku, his emerald eyes boring into your figure as if he could apologize from eye contact alone. You averted your gaze to your list, "The students I will be interviewing today are Shoto Todoroki, Fumikage Tokoyami, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Yuga Aoyama, and Katsuki Bakugo. Those who I have just called I will be writing your names on the front board. Each interview will be around ten to fifteen minutes and they will be held in the hallway. I have a set up outside the classroom which you will see shortly. In the order I write your names on this board is how I would like you to come out for your interviews. Thank you." You spoke confidently grabbing a piece of chalk and began to write on the chalkboard.

1. Shoto Todoroki

2. Fumikage Tokoyami

3. Eijiro Kirishima

4. Denki Kaminari

"Kaminari I am so jealous just look at the ass on her, you're the fourth one to be interviewed please tell me how she smells and if you got to touch her boobs." A voice spoke up a little louder than he probably intended to, your face burned red from embarrassment as you kept your back to the classroom and tried to ignore the comment in general. "That's not cool dude." Another voice spoke out, "Yeah Mineta, you can't just say things like that to people you don't even know!" A girls voice spoke out this time. You were grateful for them defending you, you would soon find out it was Kirishima and Mina who defended you from Mineta's degrading words.

5. Yuga Aoyama

6. Katsuki Bakugo

You placed the chalk down and turned around, you were sure your face was still slightly red from Mineta's inappropriate comments but you ignored it. "Okay as listed please come out individually, I look forward to interviewing you. It was a pleasure to meet you all even those who I am not interviewing. You all hold amazing potential for the future pro heroes." You smiled brightly, bowing slightly and exiting the classroom. Once outside the classroom you took a seat at your desk set up on the side of the hallway. You opened up your notebook and grabbed a few pencils laying them next to the notebook. You grabbed your water bottle taking a sip as you heard the door of class 1-A open. Here we go you thought to yourself.

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