6. Visiting Izuku

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The blare of your ring tone startled you out from your sleep. What? What time is it? When did I fall asleep? Who is calling me? You groaned grabbing your phone from your night stand and answering it not bothering to look at the caller ID. "Hello?" Your voice was scratchy and deep in tone from just waking up. "Y/N, why haven't you been answering my texts?" Yaoyorozu's voice came blaring through your speakers causing your head to pulse. "I fell asleep, I haven't even checked the time.." You sighed unlocking your phone and looking into the top corner of the screen, 7:08AM. You had an hour before you had to be at school for class, you slept through dinner. Oh you hoped you wouldn't be in trouble. 

"Yao it is seven o clock in the morning, why are you calling me this early?" You huffed slightly annoyed, you did always enjoy to sleep especially when you had such a stressful day yesterday. "Well I just got to campus to check on Izuku and recovery girl said you never stopped by!" She sounded like she was scolding you like a toddler. She was your best friend so was Izuku but you did not like to be babied or scolded especially about something she has no idea about. It's not her fault Y/N, she is just looking out for you and Izuku; you reminded yourself. "Relax Yao, I had a hard day yesterday so as soon as I came home I went straight to bed, I'm sure I'm going to hear it from my parents already so please don't add on to that?" You pleaded hoping to gain some sympathy from her. "Fine, just promise me you will come here as soon as you can?" She sighed into the phone. "Yes, fine. I will be there within the hour, okay? I got to go get ready now, bye Yao." You tried your best to sound friendly before hanging up your phone.

You could not believe you slept in especially over dinner, you never missed a meal with your family. Your parents and brother are probably so worried about you. What if they came in my room to check on me? You thought, you looked down to see you were covered in a blanket that you definitely don't remember covering yourself in before falling asleep. Matter of fact this isn't even your blanket, it's your brothers. The mere fabric covering your silhouette concluded your thoughts on if someone came to check on you. You got out of bed, gently folding the blanket so you could return it to it's rightful owner. You stripped yourself of your clothes and walked into your in suite bathroom. 

Turning the knobs of the shower to the right setting of just enough heat, you stepped in allowing your body to be covered in warmth, the jets of your shower head easing any sore muscles you had. The hot water seemed to be washing away any sweat or tear residue from all the crying you did yesterday, it felt amazing. You continued with your regular shower routine, making sure to lather your long locks completely before rinsing and repeating with conditioner. Your body full of suds as you scrubbed yourself with your favorite body wash. You rinsed yourself clean and turned off the shower, wrapping yourself in a towel and walking over to your vanity mirror. You wiped the steam off the mirrors and began to brush your teeth followed by mouth wash and flossing. You grabbed your hair brush brushing your hair before braiding it down the center of your back. You left your bathroom, going over to your dresser, you pulled out another school uniform. You had a few sets so you weren't constantly washing the same one every day. You changed quickly, putting on deodorant and a few spritz of perfume. You slid on your shoes and grabbed your book bag and your brother blanket before heading down stairs. 

You were up earlier than usual so it was to no surprise that no one was in the kitchen yet making breakfast. You thought this was the perfect opportunity to make yourself something to eat and sneak out before you had to deal with any confrontation from last night. You as quietly as you could began to put some yogurt in a bowl, topping it with granola, some fresh sliced fruit and a drizzle of honey and peanut butter. You sat down at the table and began to eat your breakfast aimlessly scrolling through twitter reading the headlines. There was nothing interesting just your average stuff about hero work and weather forecasts. You finished your breakfast, cleaning the bowl and spoon placing them on the drying rack. You grabbed your brothers blanket and headed back upstairs. You sneaked into his dark room and placed the blanket on the edge of his bed, he was still asleep. You headed back downstairs grabbing your book bag once again and headed out the door.

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