Welcome Back! (SNOs2)

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Requested by @wolfieship4

No One's POV

Everyone werewolf at Packhaven is getting ready for a celebration, with all of them working hard to make sure the decorations look nice and that the cake looks presentable.

Bryan, a werewolf who resides at Packhaven and also a self proclaimed treasure hunter, has been off on a treasure hunt for about 2 weeks. Now to any other pack of wolves it would be considered normal that wolves leave for that long, and it's unnecessary to throw a party for their return.

But Mario cared about his pack a lot, and especially his boyfriend.

He worried about Bryan everyday, about where he slept that night or if he ate anything.

Even though he was panicking he knew Bryan would be alright, his been on enough treasure hunts to know what he's doing, and besides, he's got Helios with him.

Mario knew if something happened to Bryan in his expedition, Helios would come running back for help.

He did receive a letter from Bryan, it read that he stopped at a town called Woodhurst, and that he'd be back in four days.

Mario was quick to think of throwing him a welcome back party, and to no surprise, everyone agreed on it.

Mario wanted this to be as close to perfect as it can get, because knowing his pack, aiming for perfection from the beginning is setting you up for disaster.

They hung party streamers and banners all around, specifically at entrance to Packhaven. They also put balloons all over the place, although they made the terrible mistake of trusting Xylo with blowing them up, so there wasn't as much balloons then Mario would have liked.

It was easy to pick colours for the party streamers, Xylo picked up every single colour there was.

Choosing the colours for the party banners were a bit difficult, as it turns out nobody knew Bryan's favourite colour, not even Mario.

At first Mario thought it could be red considering the colour of his jacket, then he thought it could be yellow or gold, considering how much he loves shiny things.

In the end Mario came up with a reason why every colour could be Bryan's favourite. So instead of picking one single colour, Mario picked up white ones and also got paint.

He didn't see any rainbow banners, so he would paint some.

It turned out painting was quite fun but also very time consuming if you wanted to make it look nice, Marshie offered to help near the end which helped him finish it quicker.

Bryan would be back tomorrow, with them setting up the day before they all had to hope it wouldn't rain during the night.

Mario went to bed fairly early then he's use too, he had no idea what time of day Bryan would arrive at, so someone will have to look for him, in case he's coming while they're still setting up.

They still had a few balloons to blow up and a few more party streamers to hang, and we also can't forget about the cake.

They all pitched in a little when it came to the cake, Relena and Brick were the ones to actually bake it, while the rest added decorations to it. Marshie put the icing on the cake, a simple white. Mario picked the cake flavour, which he picked carrot cake, for multiple reasons, he also wrote on the cake 'Welcome Back' in red icing. Xylo tried to make a carrot out of icing on the cake, but it ended up looking like a orange strawberry.

When Mario woke up, he kept a look out for Bryan, while Marshie, who also woke up early, painted the rest of the party banners,

The next person to wake up was Brick, he took over Mario's lookout job while Mario went to blow up the rest of the balloons and scatter them around.

Relena woke up a little after Brick, taking up the job of adding final touches to the cake. Xylo woke up last and by the time he woke up everything was already done.

So to make up for Xylo sleeping in to long, he went to look out for Bryan instead of Brick.

To add to Xylo being annoying he also kept trying to eat the cake when people weren't looking, another reason they sent him out for lookout.

Bryan came about an hour after they were done.

Xylo came running into the entrance of Packhaven, frantically yelling that Bryan is coming, all the werewolf's stood by the entrance ready to greet him.

Bryan walked up to the entrance, confused by the decorations, walking fully into Packhaven, he smiled brightly.

"Welcome Back!" Everyone yelled, Bryan smile got bigger.

"Aww, you guys!" Bryan said.

Mario walked up to Bryan and kissed him on the cheek.

Bryan gave him a goofy smile.

"You missed" He said, going on his tippy toes to kiss Mario's lip.

They shared a passionate kiss, none of their Pack mates dared to interrupt.

They found the moment to be cute, Mario missed Bryan so much over the course of the two weeks they've been apart and they're positive Bryan felt the same.

The two lovebirds pulled away and smiled at each other.

"So uhhh, cake time?" Xylo asked, Mario rolled his eyes while Bryan's eyes sparkled.

"Oooh, Cake?" Bryan's tail started wagging, to which Mario giggled at.

"Don't get too excited, it's just carrot cake" Xylo said, Bryan's tail continued to wag.

"Cake is cake" Bryan stated.

"Well then maybe for this special occasion Mario will let us eat dessert before dinner?" Marshie said, suddenly all the the eyes were on Mario.

Mario rolled his eyes, but slowly nodded his head yes, to which the werewolves cheered  and clapped their hands.

Bryan kissed him on the cheek again, and started dragging him along, while also following Xylo because well he doesn't know where the cake actually is.

The cake was delicious, considering Bryan diet for the past few weeks consisted of berries and meat.

By the time the celebration was over it was 9 pm. They played a bunch of games and it was super fun but Bryan honestly just wants to sleep now.

Bryan notified Mario he was tired.

"Alright Everyone Party's over, i expect you all to clean the decorations!" Mario demanded, grabbing Bryan's hand and heading toward his cabin.

They heard their pack mates groan but they made no move to argue against Mario's order.

Bryan collapsed onto the bed, Mario giggled slightly and layed down next to him.

Bryan cuddled into Mario's side, they both smiled contently,

Bryan was out like a light almost immediately, Mario took a while to fall asleep but it was one of the most peaceful sleeps he's ever had, knowing his boyfriends right beside him safe, and sleeping in an actual bed made him sleep much more peacefully.

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