You do Care (Pt2) (OriginZ)

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This might be a little ooc
This was requested by foxythepirate2o

Deep breaths Zach, deep breaths.

You can do this just go up to the door knock say you love him it'll be fine.

He slowly made my way towords his plane, climbed up on the wing.

Just knock tell him how you feel, probably get rejected, go home, don't cry, cry a lot, wish t-

"uhh doc what are you doing here?"

Nick's voice snaps Him out of my little trance.

"uhhh coming to...ask about that arm of yours since it's you know broken" He quickly lied, pausing a little before he continued, "Came to see if you need it recasted(?)" He finished.

"uhh why would you think I would need it recasted(?)" Nick asked confused, "well your clumsy and stupid, so I don't you could have fallen and damaged it." Doc almost yelled furstrated, not at Nick but at himself for not being able to spit out one sentence, when usually he says whatever he wants without caring. stupid feeling.

"well I didn't, so if you excuse me I need to talk to the colonel" Nick sassed, as he pushed past Doc.

"Okay no need for the sass, maybe you could just come to see me later for a check up see how it's healing." Doc insisted, "fine be there later" Nick said, climbing off the wing headed for the colonel tower thing.

Doc sat there not knowing what to do cursing himself or thanking himself, cursing himself for not telling Nick How he felt or thanking himself for buying him time to find out exaclty what to say.


"-I love you Nick" The Doc finished, he had wrote down a letter he was going to read to Nick when He came, He had been re-reading it for the past hour, and now he think it'll be a lot easier to say now, and that when Nick comes he won't be a stutteing mess, "hey doc" Speak of the devil.

"h-hey Nick"

Nick was honestly a little confused but also worried, the Doc had been acting weird and it was concerning him.

"you alright" Nick asked, the concern getting to his head making his anxiety run wild.

'maybe he hates me'

'maybe he wants to kill me'

'what if he's infected'

"Usually The Docter asks that question" The Doc chuckled, Now Nick knew something was wrong the Doc barely ever laughed.

"Uhh yeah" Nick scratched the back of his neck, "anyway How's your arm?" Doc asked.

"It's fine" Nick answered, The Doc walked to Nick getting a closer look, Nick really didn't understand why this was happening he had been careful.

The first few days atleast, then he started to get impatient and reckless, so maybe his cast got a little damaged so what.

"I need to take a closer look" The doc says, turning around and taking off his mask, and placing it on the table near.

The doc turned back to Nick, Nick felt his face blush as he looked into his green eyes(idk)


The check up finished along time ago maybe two hours. But the doc and Nick where still chatting away not caring about how dark it got. They both found it comforting to talk, like how the Doc was confident enough to tell Nick his real name was Zach, or how Nick was confident to tell about his past.

"You should stay the night here" Zach suggested, "huh why?" Nick asked, not seeing how dark it got outside. Zach pointed to the window.

"Oh I guess I should" Nick said, getting up to look at all the zombies outside.

"Where would I sleep?" Nick questioned.

"uhh the couch I guess" Zach answered, mumbling something else afterwards.

"What was that?" Nick asked, hearing him mumble. "nothing" Zach said back, hoping he'd drop it. He did not.

"tell me!" Nick said playfully, Zach groaned "your a pain".

"Please" Nick says, giving Zach puppy dog eyes.

'ha like that will work on me-oh god he's so cute'

After a long battle of puppy eyes and Zach saying no he gave in.

"I said or you could sleep with me" Zach whispered, Nick heard it and his face admit red flushed on his face.

"oh" Nick said, looking down. "Listen Nick" Zach took a deep breath remebering his speech.

"Listen we've known each other for a long time n-now and uhh I, well I lov-" Zach got cut off by a pair of soft lips on his.

The lips got removed "I love you to Zach" Nick said.

It's not that long but it works

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