Mario X Bryan X Xylo (SNOs2)

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So This is gonna be a prequel to 'The Past' so right after Bryan leaves Lowells Pack he gets hurt and Mario and Xylo find him.

Bryan's POV

"I don't wanna be in your pack anymore" I whispered looking down, I didn't want to see the boiling rage in his eyes, "what did you just say?" he asked, stepping closer to me. "I-I dont-" I start but before I can finish I felt a burning on my cheek, I yelped and brought my hand to my cheek, looking up I saw Lowell the anger in his eyes is something I'll never forget "Never say your leaving again, understand!" he yelled, I looked down. He slapped me again, tears threaten to slip form my eyes."Understand!" He yelled louder, "y-yes sir" I whisperer "good, go to our room i'll be there soon" he kissed my forehead, then walked away. I slowly walked into the bedroom. I flopped on the bed, finally letting my tears fall, last time I cried infront of Lowell he looked me in the basement for 3 days. What would happen if I were to escape from this place 'Never say your leaving again, understand!'.

Alright then Lowell, I just won't say it.


As quietly as I can, I shut the front door and tried to find my way to the front gate.
You see Lowell never really let me leave the house that often, well that and the fact that it is pitch black out, though I could see a little better because of my werewolf vision. I didn't find an exit but I did a hole in the wooden fence It was a little out in the open only thing hiding it was a tiny hut which im sure had someone living in it, and since Lowell the alpha if anyone saw me sneaking out, well I don't really wanna think about that.

Carefully I climbed through the hole, I stopped when I accidentally banged my elbow on the wooden fence, I screwed my eyes shut and prayed that no one heard.

Then i heard shouting lot's of it, it was in the distance but I knew they Lowell woke up and was looking for me.
Wasting no time I quickly but as quietly as I can climbed through the hole and ran.

I ran, I would have hidden but I know that they're probably just gonna smell me out that way, then again there probably sniffing me out as Im runing, I should find something that could cover my scent and fast.
As Im rounding a tree something hits me head, not hard enough to knock me out but hard enough to draw blood, I let out yelp and look up to see the beta of the pack, Lycaon, "I found!-" I smashed his head into the tree.

'Oh my god- is he dead? DID I JUST KILL A MAN', I lightly kicked him with my foot, he groaned, 'Ok he's alive I should run now', As I got up to run something grabbed my foot, looking down Lycaon grabbed my foot, I tryed to shake him off but failed to notice a tiny shank in his hand.

I screamed as he stabbed it in my leg, I kicked him out of reflex he fell for a second but I took my chance and ran again despite the pain in my leg I know I would just go through more pain if I got caught.

The next few things is a blur, i remeber Feeling very tired and passing out, I saw blur of two figures, after that I must have passed out because I don't know anything.

Now Im lying in an unfamilair bed, silently panicking, "Oh your awake" I jump and the voice "hey no need to be im Xylo" Said the voice now know as Xylo "so uh what's your name?" he asked " b-bryan" I said quietly "oh nice to meet you, im gonna go get alpha he can talk to you" he left, leaving me alone, I looked around the room nothing to fancy, the only thing that was kinda cool was the painting on the wall, I wonder if the alpha of this pack is nice, I mean that dude Xylo seemed pretty nice, then again so was Lowell when I first met him.

I met the alpha he was nice, he wears a weird hat too. They asked me if I was in a pack, I said no, I just met them they don't need to know about them. They asked about my wounds, I told them I was attack by a hunter they seemed to believe..kinda.

It's been three years since I met them, It's still the happiest day of my life.

Sorry I got lazy at the end
Also didn't know if you wanted romance or friend so I did friend I can make another with romance if you want.

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