Jakey's Sad (FTOs4)

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Series-FairyTail Origins
Ship-Bryan X Jakey

Bryan's POV

I was just about to head home after a long day of none stop training, when I heard Kay "Bryan! we need your help" Kay yelled, as she ran up to me, breathing fast because of the runing "whoa whoa whoa slow down Kay what's wrong" I asked, "it's Jakey" she said, "what about him is he alright?" I asked, worry in my voice, as panic started to build up inside me "well I think you should see for yourself" she said, runing off as I was close behind.

As we got to Jakey's house the panic, was also followed by curiosity when i saw Lo'pho standing outside of Jakey's house as well " what's going on" I asked, "Jakey's sad right now and we don't know why he won't tell us" Lo'pho said, "well i'll go talk to him" I said, walking to the door, Kay grabbed my hand "but that's not all" she said, looking down "what?" I asked, "he has... purple eyes" Lo'pho says, my eyes widened purple eyes...like future him i don't even replied, i run into his house, No way! am i losing Jakey today, hell as long as i am here i will never let him turn evil.

"Jakey?" i asked i walked over to his bed to see him crying and he indeed has purple eyes, i sat on his bed and put an arm around him "g-go away" he said, and pushed my arm off him "what's wrong?" i asked, putting both my arms around him now "nothing i-it doesn't e-even ma-matter" he said, he started to stutter more but i like his stutter, it's cute "but it does matter and it isn't nothing" i said, cupping his cheek and turning his head to look at me "i-it's j-j-just why do you e-even l-love m-me Bryan all i h-h-have i-is stupid t-time ma-magic and i can't e-even use i-it r-r-right!" he yelled, crying even more "i'm j-just weak" he finished, "Jakey your not weak and i love you for five reasons" "i love you because your smart" i said, kissing his nose "because your handsome" kissing his forehead "your personalilty" kissing his left cheek "your smile" kissing his right cheek at this point Jakeys eyes started to turn back to their natural colour, but still you coud see the purple "and because your you" kissing his lips.

When i pulled away his eyes were back to their normal colour fully "t-thanks b-bryan" Jakey said, "no problem Jakey now let's get some sleep" i said, pulling him down on the bed cuddling him "h-hey bryan" Jakey said, "yes Jakey" i asked, "i love you" he said before falling asleep, i giggled "i love you too Jakey"

yeah i'm

a bad author

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