How To Please Flurry (FTOs5)

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Well it's been a while.


Ritchie knew this was wrong, he shouldn't be going to a bar, he promised his guild he'd actually try and stop drinking but with everything going on, he just needs one shot that's it.

Ritchie tried to avoid every pedestrian on his way to the least popular tavern he knew of.

Entering the tavern, even though it wasn't very popular tavern, Ritchie expected it to be more populated, there is only one person, sitting at the bar stand.

Ritchie would prefer a full bar than the man sitting there.

The man turned to look at Ritchie, Surprise and curiosity filled his eyes.

"Ritchie?" Yamistu asked.

Ritchie bit the inside of his mouth.

"Yamistu" Ritchie greeted him, maybe if he pretended he could be here, Yamistu wouldn't question it.

"Aren't you supposed to be sober" Yamistu questioned, squinting his eyes at Ritchie.

"Uhh, well technically yes- but umm.." Ritchie had no excuse for being here other then he's really craving a drink.

Yamistu chuckled, "relax, I won't tell anyone as long as you don't tell anyone I'm here". Ritchie sat down on the stool beside Yamistu, the bartender came up and Ritchie ordered just a classic mug of beer. Yamistu looks like he's only had a single shot of whiskey, he ordered another one.

Ritchie's mind went back to Yamistu's comment.

He tilted his head, eyebrow raised in a quizzical look.

"You not supposed to be here as well?" Ritchie asked, Yamistu shrugged.

"Flurry said not to leave the guild building and well-" He gulped down his whiskey, "here I am getting drunk".

Ritchie nodded, sipping slowly at his drink. He didn't want to go home and have his guild tell he obviously went to drink. He knew though no matter what he does, his brother would know though.

They sat in silence, with the Only sound being cups clanging together as the bartender cleaned them. It left Ritchie to do some thinking.

Flurry really has changed over the years, her attitude towards practically everything has changed. Her old 'I don't care' attitude has turned to a more caring attitude. I mean she's still a jokester but her jokes nowadays are a lot less violent then they were before. Her physical appearance has stayed practically the same, expect the fact she has traded her dark colours for more pastel, bright colours.

Her taste in men has changed a lot too.

Ritchie decided to spark up a conversation.

"So uhh, how is the guild anyway" Ritchie asked, Yamistu shrugged, "same as always".

Ritchie nodded, he hesitated a little before asking his next question. "And uhh how's Flurry?".

Yamistu looked at him spectacularly, "She's fine, what's it to you?" He said, the aura surrounding Yamistu became aggressive. Ritchie raised his hands slightly, "relax, just curious" he said.

Yamistu glared at him before signalling for the bartender to come over.

"Though I am curious on how Flurry doing-" Yamistu went back to glaring, "I just wanna know how she's dealing with things?" Ritchie said, his hands still raised slightly in defence.

Yamistu sighed, he ordered another shot of whiskey.

"She's fine." He stated, Ritchie nodded. "That's good, i just wanna make sure she has someone with her, she's going through a lot right now" Ritchie said, Yamistu softened his glare a little.

"Yeah- she's fine, got the guild with her" Yamistu said, Ritchie smiled softly.

Ritchie took a huge gulp of his beer, successfully emptying it dry.

Ritchie chuckled to himself, "Yeah, especially with you by her side i think she'll be just fine" Ritchie smirked, Yamistu blushed a soft pink. "Uh!- Wha!-" Yamistu cleared his throat, "what's that supposed to mean?!" Yamistu asked, Ritchie, looking oh so smug, shrugged.

"Well you both seem to really enjoy each other's company" Ritchie said, Yamistu bit the inside of his cheek, blushing a vibrant red.

'Oh two can play that game' Yamistu thought.

"Yeah, I'll be there for her. But you know you're going through some things too, but- oh yeah you have that Devin boy to help you" It was now Yamistu's turn to smirk and Ritchie's turn to blush.

"Yeah-yeah me and Devin we're doing pretty w-well I'd say" Ritchie stuttered, Yamistu hummed.

"But if one were to be having relationship problems, and I'm asking for a friend, do you have any idea what one could do?" Ritchie asked, he waved the bartender over and ordered another simple mug of beer.

"Well, turns out i do have some advice for you to pass on to your friend" Yamistu gulped down his whiskey shot, "don't wait, especially not to apologize, if you really love that person, don't wait", Yamistu said, Ritchie nodded.

"I'll- Uhh my friend will take that advice" Ritchie said, he smiled a little.

"If we're on the track of giving advice, what helps cheers up Flurry when she's sad or what is her vision of romance, because I wanna get to know her as best as humanly possible and well.. you and her used to.. you know" Yamistu asked, he looked over to Ritchie.

Ritchie thought about for a few minutes.

"Honestly Yamistu, i'm not really sure. Flurry is a totally different person now then back when we were together, she used to be careless, like she cared about nothing and never cared for feelings" Ritchie rubbed the side of his head, "So i wish i could be more help but.. Flurry is different, a new person, but I'll tell you this Yamistu, she definitely cares more about emotions then ever before, and as long as you be there for her and care for her, she'll care about you, ... and you don't need to worry about her wanting to date you, she already does".

Ritchie cleared his throat, standing up and pushing to stool he was sitting on in.

"Welp I'm off, talk to you sometime soon" Ritchie said, Yamistu did not reply, he was staring at the wall his face blushing a beet red.

Ritchie chuckled to himself, he turned to the bartender. "Just put all of his and my drinks on my tab" Ritchie said, the bartender nodded, before going back to cleaning the glasses.

Ritchie took one last look at Yamistu, who had a small smile on his red face, before leaving.

Ritchie sobered up a little when the cold air of the night sky hit his face, he silently chuckled to himself. Good lord, that entire speech he gave Yamistu, he chuckled again. He's always been an emotional drunk.

Yeah he was not sober at all.


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