Chapter 20

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I throw my head back and lean far back in the foldable black chair. Muffled cries echo throughout the room, along with the sound of bones cracking. I wipe my hand across my face and sigh. The annoying cries were starting to get to me. I throw myself forward and I raise my hand up. Ruby sees my hand and stops mid punch, ending her terror of fist on the scared man.

I push myself forward and stalk toward the man. I hold my head high to remind him that he is the prey and I am his predator. Reaching him I extend my arm and tangle my hand in his tangled hair. I yank his hair causing his head to be thrown back. He cries from the pain. I reach forward and yank the white cloth out of his mouth. Salvia trails down his chin and his cries become more clear. That annoying sound was giving me a headache, so I slap him.

His head turns and my nails leave a long scratch on his crimson cheek. He stops crying and looks at me with his black eyes. I lean down to him and smirk. "That's better" I snarl out. I let go of his hair and walk over to a silver tray. "Now, doctor Rize I hear you worked on the science team and came across the file for project x."

I turn to face the terrified man and show him the thick pliers in my hand. He begins to shake and tries to push himself away. I feign worry, "Oh! don't freak out. I promise I'm not going to use these." I pause and replace my worried face with a mischievous one. "I'm not going to use them yet." I sit the pliers down and walk over to Jade where she cleans off Cassy's knife. I hold my hand out and without peaking up Jade hands me the jagged blade.

I walk back over to the doctor. "So, I heard you've been in the black room for 3 months now. I'm impressed really. I was born into this world, but three months of straight torture would make even me go insane. But that's okay. I'm glad you held out because that means I get to be to break you." I hold the tip of the blade to his face. "Now you're going to tell me what you did with the files, or I can force it out of you." I run the blade across his skin.

"I don't know what you are talking about" he continues to feign innocence. I lick my bottom lip and let out a giggle.

"left or right?"

"What?" he responds.

"Left or right!" I say again, but this time yelling.

"Ah right" he nervously responds.

"Good choice"

I bring the knife to a little above his right eye. "you see doctor, typically if someone wishes to leave a long scar they drag the side of the knife down. But me, no. I prefer to shove the point of it in your skin and drag it down. That way I can make sure the cut is nice and deep." And with that I shove the knife in his skin being careful not to shove the knife too deep. I pull the knife down and cut into his eye, he screams more.

Pulling the knife out I step back. "Will you speak now?" he cries while shaking his head. "Wow you really are a tough cookie. That's fine because the more you stay silent the more fun I have" I throw my head back and laugh. Mika walks to me and hands me a cloth which I place over the doctors head. Ruby pulls his chair back and Cassy picks up a bucket of water. She slowly poor the water over Rize's face and he begins to thrash around. A gargling down comes from his mouth and eventually I hold my hand up, halting the girls. Ruby lets the chair fall back to all 4 legs.

"Come on Rize just tell me what the fuck you did with the file!" anger begins to boil in me. "Tell me!" I yell while bringing my fist down.

"I didn't touch the files I swear. I never did anything with them." he sobs.

"If you didn't do anything then you wouldn't have fled! So where the fuck are they! tell me you bastard!" I continue to yell. Rize continues to denies he did anything and I begin to get more pissed. "Mika bring it to me."

Mika struts over and drops a green pill in my hand. I take the knife I was still holding and shove it into Rize's arm causing him to scream. While his mouth is open from his screams I shove the green pill down his throat. "Listen here Rize, you used to work on the science team so you know they come up with some fucked up shit. The pill I gave you is a nuclear pill. It will slowly eat you up and the only way for you to get the antidote is for you to give me the information I want. Okay? Now I'm going to go and give you a few minutes to think of what you will do and then I'll come back and I hope to hear some information."

I turn on my heels and walk out with the girls behind me. When the door shuts I begin to hear screams as the pill kicks in. "Cassy stay here and make sure he doesn't die on me." She nods and I walk away.

"So Scarlett, where are we going now?" Jade chimes.

"I need to meet with Jerry and discuss some things. You girls go rest, once I'm done I'll go deal with the prisoner." They smile at me and all head separate directions. I head to the elevator and go to Jerry's office.

I open his door to a glass cup being thrown at me. Fuck. This was going to be a long talk.

45 minutes of Jerry yelling about some guys that raided his warehouse. Nothing even pertained to me. When I offered to deal with it he told me to shut up and he'll have someone else take care of it. I swear, if he wasn't my uncle I would have knocked his teeth out of his mouth.

I quietly head back to the black room and charge in. Rize sits with his down and groans from the pain. "Now Rize" I say while walking to him. "Your body is slowly decomposing and I have the way to stop your suffering. All you have to do is give me the information I want."

Rize looks up at me and tears and snot runs down his face. "I-I gave it to Flavio. The boss of the Italian Mafia." he whispers.


"He said he wanted to recreate the project in order to bring you all down."

"Where is he?"

"Last I heard he was visiting his family in Italy."

I nod my head and pull my gun out. "Now Rize as promised, I shall end your suffering." I click the safety off and fire one shot between his eyes.

"Told you I would break you."

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