Chapter 6

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I walk down the dark halls. My footsteps echo's. Its been a week since my last mission. I was coming to headquarters to talk to Jerry. When I got here it was empty and the lights were off. I'm glade I'm in uniform.

As I walk I see a door open. Light poor's out of the room. I grab my gun and walk slowly to the door. I quietly open it. Henry sits in the room tied up. I almost forgot about him, almost. The question should be how did he get here? He wasn't put in this room. I bend down next to Henry. I rip the tape off his face and he screams in pain.

"Shut the hell up," I whisper. He instantly goes quiet. Soft footsteps come my way. I stay quiet. Slowly the door opens. I release the safety on my gun and point it at the door. A guy in all black walks in. He stares at me. I notice a white rose on his neck.

The white roses, they owe us so much money. But they haven't paid it. So we threatened them. We said that if they didn't give us our money we would kill them all and make there gang apart of us. I guess they don't like what we said and now want to kill us.

I quickly pull the trigger and the guy falls on the ground. A pool of blood surrounds his head. Henry thrashes around. I turn towards him and tip his chair over. "I'm going to untie you. But, you will have to listen to everything I say. The second u try to escape. I'll blow your brains out," I say through gritted teeth. Our faces are only about two centimeters away.

Henry quickly nods. I put the chair down and untie him. He springs up and I grab him by the collar of his shirt. He looks back at me a nods. I let him go. I walk ahead of him and motion for him to follow me. I keep my gun in my hands.

I walk slowly around. I make sure to make as little noise as possible. I need to get to the weapon area. Who knows what the White Rose took that may end up killing me in a second.

We eventually reach the weapon area. The room is gray. With indestructible walls. The mat is blue. Along the walls hangs bow and arrows, guns, daggers, guns, blow torches, silencers, etc. The one think that I'm really word about is project m3.

It's still a work in progress but still very dangerous. It has the ability to kill someone using just sound. And you can't even hear it. I look around but can't find it. Henry just stands in the middle of the room looking at all the weapons. "If you even think about using one of those against me I swear you will regret it, " I snap.

"Look for a little girl you need to relax. You also need to learn some manners. I'm your elder and that is no way you should be talking to me," Henry responds. I walk over to him swiftly.

I grab him by the collar of his shirt and life him up. "I don't give a damn about fucking manners. I'm a criminal. Why would I care. Besides your my captive so I suggest you learn your place!" I drop Henry.

A surge of pain goes through my chest. Henry drops to his knees clutching his chest. So he feels it too?

The pain gets worst. I cough and blood comes out of my mouth. I flick my wrist and a dagger flies into my hand. I need to get as much strength as possible in order to.aim right and turn on the sound barriers. That way no sound can be in here.

Unfortunately I'm to slow. Henry passes put and I soon join him.

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