Chapter 21

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I lean over the sink and wash the specks of blood off of my face. My mind replays Rize's dead body over and over. I reach my hand out and grab the white towel that is neatly folded next to me. I hear footsteps and immediately look up in the mirror. A person steps into the single light in the center of the dark room. I'm greeted with blue eyes. "Ryan" I mutter and spin around to face him.

"Scarlett, I wanted to talk to you," he whispers.

I scoff and roll my eyes at his words. "There is nothing for us to talk about. You made your decision and I also made mines. Which was to leave you." I begin to walk away but Ryan steps in front of me and blocks my path.

"I regret what I did, I swear. Just please come back to me." 

I grunt and turn away from him. "I don't need you." I whisper.

He wraps his hand around my throat and lightly squeezes. "Come on Scarlett, you know that no one else can make you feel how I make you feel. No one else can give your body what it wants." He leans down and his lips brush my ear. "No one else can make you moan till your voice rasp." he other hands wraps itself around my hips and pulls me in.

I feel his breath run down my neck. "Only I can give you what you want." 

A shiver runs down my spine and my cheeks heat up. I feel and ache but ignore it. Ryan leans back up and I look into his eyes.

"I'm sure there are other people out there that can make me feel that way," I whisper.

Ryan clears his throat and creates a small space between us. "I heard from the girls that you have been stressed lately. Did you have another nightmare?"

I don't respond.

"Come one Scarlett when will you let his death go. Move on." At his words I feel something snap in me. Anger flows throughout my body and I shove Ryan away from me.

My teeth grit together and my hands tighten into a ball. "Move on!? Move on! Oh shut the fuck up Ryan. What do you know in order to tell me to move on? You don't know shit about coming from a life like mines. You're just some rich boy who works here so he can seem badass. Admit it, you really aren't like us. You're just a little bitch."

Ryan steps back and his eyes widen. "Scarlett-"

"No Ryan!" I scream. "You come from a house with loving parents and loving siblings. You never even argue with them. You spent your summers with your grandparents camping and bonding. Your free time was spent playing with your family and going out with them. You don't know what it's like the be forced into this world. You learned who, no what, I really was and wanted to join because you wanted a thrill in your life. You said your life was boring and you needed some excitement. You don't know what it's like to be born into this. Gosh I wish I had what you have."

I feel my nails dig into the palm of my hand. "You know what Ryan. Let me kidnap your little sister and force you to watch as I put a bullet in her head. Then you can just get over it!"

Ryan reaches out to grab me and I smack his hand away. Shaking my head I walk away.

"Scarlett I didn't mean it!" he yells after me. I don't look back at him and I raise my middle finger up.

I continue to walk down the hall and turn into my office. I yank the door open and slam it shut behind me. A figure lays on the couch snoring with a book on their face. The sound of the door slamming makes them jump and they fall off the couch with a oomf. 

I hear a "shit" come from the floor and the person pulls themself up. Cassy. She stand up and picks the book up. The title reads The fault in our stars I raise my eyebrow at her. "Since when did you start reading books."

Cassy shrugs, "I saw it on Mika's desk and decided to read it."

I sigh and walk over to my desk, spotting a vanilla folder I pick it up. "You put this here?" I ask Cassy. She shakes her head no and sits back on the couch. Opening the folder I'm greeted with a picture of a man with deep brown skin and kinky hair. He's smiling with pearly white teeth and pink lips that compliment his skin. His dark brown eyes shine in the light and he wears a fitted suit.

I hear a whistle and notice Cassy is now standing behind me. "Please tell me we don't have to kill that fine man. Oh the things I would let him do to me" she drools. I push her back and roll my eyes.

"Dumbass, His name is Keith and we're just checking in on him. He hasn't paid us back our money. He can't expect a steady flow of guns and drugs without paying us." 

Cassy shrugs."So then I can fuck him?"

I look at her in disgust, "He's 33, your 16! That's illegal."

She looks down and me with confusion written all over her face. "So we can take lives, beat the shit out of people, steal and experiment on kids, sell drugs and weapons, but you draw the line at me wanting to have fun with an older man?"

She has a point, but I'm not willing to admit how right she is so I just turn back to my desk. I feel Cassy lean down and her left hand rest on my thigh while her right hand makes its way down my chest. "Oh come on Scarlett. When was the last time you had fun? I bet you're craving something."

"What is with everyone and wanting to touch me today." I go to remove her hand,  but before I can she begins to tickle me. My body jumps and a laugh escapes my lips. 

"There's that beautiful smile." Cassy smiles down at me. "I was wondering when my best friend would stop being grumpy." She leans up and puts her hands on her hip smirking. 

I quickly fix myself. "Shut up Cassy and go tell the girls to get ready to leave out."

She turns on her heels and stomps outs.

"And don't slam my-" a loud bang echos throughout the room as the door closes. "door..." I sigh and put my head in my hands. I swear I'll kill her one day.

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