Chapter 27

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"What...The...Fuck" Ruby says as she leans over my shoulder to read the note. "Give up? What's that suppose to mean? Give up what?"

I look over to Mika as she talks to Tanaka. A relaxed look makes its way to Tanaka'a face and Mika bows to the man.I strut over to her and grab her hand. I grab her hand and place the paper in it. She looks down and reads the paper, a look of shock makes its way on her face.

"You know this place better than I ever could. You know every gang and who they are aligned with. So I need you to put that knowledge of yours to work and figure out who did this and had the balls to threaten us. Ok?" I bark. Mika nods.

"I'll figure this out. Can someone call me a car; I think I know who can help us." I turn to Jade and signal her to make a call.

Jade turns to around and begins to speak into her phone. She speaks a few words then puts the phone away. Not much longer a black Audi pulls up. Mika slides in the back. "Be back." And with that she is gone.

I go to the car we arrived in and sit in the back. I pull the suffocating mask off my face and lean my head on the seat. The divider hides my face from the driver and the tinted windows hides me from the rest of the world. My fingers twiddle with my phone as I try to find the courage to call Jerry.

I know this will piss him off more than anything else. I feel so lost, one minute everything was running smoothly, now all of sudden everything in this business feels so fucked up. I can't take it anymore. I want nothing more than to sit down and cry in frustration. My powers won't work, my mom is back to being distant to me, Ryan is now back, we lost men, and someone knows my fucking identity.

Fuck it. I press on Jerry's name and the phone rings. "This better be good news," his voice booms and he sounds exhausted.

"I'm sorry to bother you, it's just..." I trail off. "When we got here the men was cleaning everything up, but I found a note. My guess is it was planted when we arrived meaning we possibly have a rat."

"What did the note say?"

"Give up."

I hear a loud crash through the phone and a string of cuss words follow. Then I hear something shatter.

"GET BACK HERE!" Jerry screeches. "I want you back here. Don't think I forgot about your powers because I haven't. I'm gonna have the be kicked start then I want you to turn this world fucking upside down until you find the son of a bitch who would dare defy me and try to threaten me. And you won't stop until you find them and bring me their fucking head on a silver plater along with the eyeballs of every single person they ever cared about. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir." I respond. Jerry hangs up and I'm left to stare at my phone. He wants me to demonstrate how powerful and scary we are. He wants me to destroy everything. And if doing so means him and mother will be proud of me then I'll burn this bastard world to the ground.

I send a text to the girls telling them to get back in the car. Not long after the doors open and they file in. "Are you okay?" Jade ask.

"Yeah, Mika went somewhere, but we need to be back home. I'll give her a few minutes to deal with whatever she's doing then we are boarding the plane and leaving. Understood?"

"Yes" they reply in unison.

The driver takes us to a hotel to stay in while we wait. I have the girls take their mask and clothes off so that we can seem like regular people. We walk into the Japanese style hotel and head to our room. Jade plops on the floor and Ruby follows setting her head on jade's lap.

A hand grabs my shoulder. "You sure you're okay?' Cassy asks.

"Yeah I'm 100% okay."

She side eyes me then shrugs and goes to look out the window. I turn on my heels and exit the room. I don't know where I am going to go, but I can't be in such a suffocating place.

My feet carry me around the block until I find a building with a latter in the alley. I climb the latter and sit on the very roof of the old building. I watch the few people in this desolate neighborhood walk buy and the sun set. Such a peaceful scene. Probably the only peace I will get in this chaotic life.

i often wondered what my life would be like if I wasn't born into a crime family. Would my father still be around, would I still have my brother, would my family love me for me and not the power I hold? I wold be seen as a teen girl who sometimes needs emotional help instead of the killing machine who isn't allowed to feel anything? Would I be dating someone who cares for me? Would I be happy?

All questions I will never get the answer to no matter how hard I search for them.

I look around and quickly notice how dark it has gotten. I climb off the roof and head back to the hotel. When I walk in the room I'm greeted by Mika sitting at a small table on the floor drinking green tea. She brings the tall circular cup up to her lips and takes a sip. I notice she is now wearing a traditional kimono.

"Judging by your outfit I'm guessing you went to your father?"

"Yes, it was nice to talk to my real father after so long," she responds.

"Where is everyone else?"

"Sleep, it is almost one in the morning."

"I didn't realize how long I was out."

Mika looks over at me and pats the table telling me to sit down. I do so and remain quiet.

"My dad said that there have been quiet a few small street rats that have been acting out. At first they didn't seem to be much trouble so the Yakuza let them be, but he said that lately they have been acting out. Stealing stuff, tagging, killing, they want to be known. And it is not like they are just randomly doing this. No. My dad thinks they are all working together, but under whom? He is not sure."

"So basically someone is uniting these gangs. Is it possible they could be doing the same in other countries?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Well they attacked out base, they had to have known it was ours. I doubt anyone with a few simple street rats could pull off such a stunt, let along have the courage to do so. They must have others out there an they must be powerful themselves. No?"

Mika shrugs. "I see your point. That was all the information my dad knew. The rest is up to us to find out. So, leader, what do we do?"

"Right now, Jerry wants us back so that is what we will do. I have some things to take care of. It should take a week or two and then. Say bye to your mother and the little bit of normalcy you have in your life. It's more than likely we will be deployed instead of any other group and I can't promise when we will come home, or if we will. A war is about the break out and we will be at the venter of it all."

Mika nods in understanding. "That's what I like to hear!"

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