Chapter 12

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I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I chanted to myself for what felt like the hundredth time. I'm so fucking stupid how could I believe that he loved me? How could he? Tears flowed down my face.
"Parler" i muttered into the phone.

"Madam, nous sommes ici"

"bien, à quelle heure devrions-nous nous rencontrer?"

"30 minutes" I hang up the phone. I pull my jacket on and run my hand through my hair. I write a note telling the girls that I will be back. Taking my time I walk to my motorcycle and go to the meeting spot.

20 minutes later I arrive at a wear house. I slip my mask on and a man comes out and holds the door open for me. I see the boy from last night standing in front of me. I clinch my fist. The boy raises his hand signaling me to stand down. I let go of my fist but I look around for a possible escape if needed. "Reaper, we meet again," his husky voice rang through my ears. I nod.

He starts to walk away and gestures me to follow him. He leads me to a big open room. In the center of the room a man with light brown eyes and midnight black hair stands in front of me. "Bonjour madame"

" I assume your Jackson?"

"Oui madame, its a pleasure to finally meet you."


"Would you like something to eat?"

" look I'm just here to get the paper and go."
Jackson nods and pulls out a stack of paper. I grab the paper from him. Looking over the document to make sure it the correct paper for all of the drugs.

Stating that Jackson and his gang will have to pitch in 5lbs of drugs every other month until they can pay us back for all the drugs they took.

I turn around to walk away. "it was a pleasure meeting you madame," Jackson smiles.

"Likewise," I monotone.

Walking out I pull my phone out and text my boyfriend.

Hey I heard your in town. Im coming over to visit if that is ok.

There is no reply, so I just go to Ryan's hotel. I knock on the door and get no reply. I hear moaning coming from the other side of the door. Is this bitch cheating on me? I swear.if he is I will kill him.

I put my finger out and a red light touches the door. The lock unlocks and I walk in. Ryan is on top of a girl banging her.

I ball my fist up. I walk over to the table and knock the lamp down. Ryan jumps and when he sees me he looks panicked.

"Scarlett I can explain," he starts.

"Don't just know that it over between us," I turn around to walk out. Ryan jumps up and grabs my wrist. "Don't touch me you fucking bitch! Leave me alone and go back to your fuck buddy!" I yank my wrist away and run out the room.

Tears threatening to fall.
I actually thought Ryan loved me. Im stupid, I made a stupid mistake. I ball my fist up and hit the mirror full force. The mirror shatters leaving glass in my knuckles.

The pain doesn't bother me at all. I feel nothing. I'm numb now and it's all his fault.
He just couldn't keep his dick in his pants.

I gasp trying to catch my breath. I swear I'll never love someone ever again. I won't be vulnerable like that every again. It was a mistake, one that i won't make again.

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