Ruby's story

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Ruby's POV

I grew up in a wealthy family. My dad is a millionaire with a company that runs a chain of hotels and restaurants. My mom was a model and my sister is a cheerleader with outstanding grades and every boy glued to her ass. So what drove a girl from such a perfect family to join something so menacing?

Simple. My family hates me. Both of my parents are blondes and so is my sister but me, I have brown hair. Like my great great great grandmother. I also wasn't a smart cookie. I don't understand things like other people so I was pretty slow in the classrooms. Not just that but I use to be shy, unlike my parents and sister. I guess all of this lead then to hate me.

By 3rd grade I started to do some bad stuff hoping to get my parents attention like my sister does. I put a spider in the teachers coffee, I beat up a kid, I broke a vase on purpose, I stole a kids lunch, etc. I was the classical bully/ bad kid. But it didn't work, my parents just started to hate me more. They started to call me stuff like a whore, bitch, worthless, stupid, mentally challenged, etc. Well u fell into depression from there.

Sadly when my parents found out about my depression in 5th grade they didn't care, they just shrugged it off. It wasn't until the middle of 7th grade when my life changed. One day I couldn't take the name calling and my sister bullying me. I ran. I ran away from home.

That night I ran into a beautiful girl and woman. Literally. I ran into them. The woman had light blue eyes and the girl had grey eyes. They both shared brown girly hair and pink plump lips. "Hello there, where are your parents?" The lady asked. She bent down and looked me in my eyes. I was shocked that this woman wasn't wearing a look of disgust but a look of love.

"Can't you tell mother, she ran away," the girl spoke in an angelic voice. "Why don't you come with use?" I shook my head no and turned to walk away but the girl grabbed me. "Please come," she begged. Her eyes pleading me. Finally i gave in and nodded. "Great, I'm Scarlett," she stuck her hand out towards me.

"I'm Ruby," i told her.

"Well Ruby, I'm Scarlett's mother and I hate to do this but I must." Next thing I know I felt something sharp peirce my skin and everything went dark.
When I woke up I heard beeping and felt movement. There were people standing above me doing who knows what. There were needles piercing my skin and a breathing mask on mt face. I heard a beeping in the back ground. I heard a gust a wind and Scarlett then stood before me. "Oh your up," she chirped.

The people around me continued what they  were doing. For days I sat in that bed until finally Scarlett came and took me away. There I met Cassy and Mika. Me and Cassy actually hit it off the best since we both had parents that didn't care about us. Of course me and the rest of the girls were close.

I had found out that I was to be joining a criminal group wanted all over the world. I started training, learning to survive. Starting my life of crime.

From there I went back home to find that my parents hadn't even tried to look for me. Yet I changed. I started dressing different. I began to talk more. I got into the popular crowd and brought my grades out.

Over time the group grew. Making it easier that we all went to the same school. And while my parents and sister hated me even more because I was doing well, I had made new friends and had a new life. A life of crime. And boy do I love it!

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