1.Baby girl..❤️( wanda)

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Tw: small mention of rape and some curses...
It was a very special day when she hold her baby girl for the first time. After 16 gruelling hours in labour ..Her bundle of joy was born....The doctor gave the baby wrapped in baby pink blanket... Pietro was standing beside wanda ...Tears roll down his cheek..

"Wanna hold her?"

" Y-y- yeah...But if I can't do it properly?"... Pietro was nervous...

"U will just do like this... Support her neck with one palm and put the other hand on her back - yes just like that"...wanda gave her baby to her brother....

Pietro admired the baby girl....She is so little ...So cute...She has red hair .... plump lips ....Nose like wanda... PERFECT ..!!

"What's her name ? " Pietro asked still looking at his niece

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"What's her name ? " Pietro asked still looking at his niece...

"Alexa Magda maximoff " wanda sayed with a smile....

" Magda?....Our mother's name...Wow.."Pietro started to tear up again when he heard his mother's name...

Suddenly Alexa started to cry... Pietro was startled at first....Wanda laughed

" Give her to me...She is hungry ..."

She raised her eyebrow at Pietro signalling him to leave as she wanted to nurse her daughter....

Pietro left...

"Hi baby girl...U hungry?...Ok".

Wanda put her shirt and bra down and she latched on...

Wanda looked at her daughter with full of affection ..Love...She is her angel ...Her pride....

After 20 mins she latched off...Wanda dressed herself...And burped her.. Alexa fell asleep...

Suddenly baron strucker  kicked the door open...The loud sound startled Alexa and she began to cry..Wanda tried to comfort her but she went on crying...

"Make this shit stop crying....We will need her for test ....If she has ur power or    mine..."

(Yeah guys baron is her father ....But he raped wanda and that's why alexa was born..)

" U can't take my daughter Baron...I will never let that happen..."
Wanda shouted holding her daughter tight to her chest ...

Baron came closer ... snatched the baby...Wanda could not do anything cuz she was too tired after giving birth... Pietro came running in super speed but he was shot on his arm when he tried baron to stop...

Alexa continued to cry in  a loud voice... this broke wanda's heart... Wanda was helpless and moreover they tied her too...

Baron took  Alexa to the lab and performed the test...

/After the test /

Wanda fell asleep while crying . Pietro was sitting with his shot arm( although he was bandaged)..

Baron came and handed alexa to wanda

" She is as useless as shit ....I am not killing her because of u..."

With this words he kinda threw alexa on Wanda's lap... And tried getting closer to wanda...

"Baron !!!!!"... Another agent called

"Oops ...I got a call...But we will have fun sometime..Be ready.."..

He left after saying this..

Wanda room her daughter in her arm...

"I am a very bad mother ...I could not protect my baby girl .." and wanda tries to sob...Pietro consols her...

" No wanda no...U are not...We have get out of here... Before they do any harm to u and alexa " he said and looked at the sleeping beauty in Wanda's arms...

Finally they managed to get out of there with her baby alexa...

....2 years later.....

"Mama ... mama "

" Hey baby girl...My bubba " wanda picked her little angel and kissed her... Alexa giggled ....

"Mama what's this" Alexa asked while her fingers started to glow .... just like wanda..

"Umm... That's a special thing..Uw I'll get to know when u grow up...For now I have to say tony to make a braclet to control ur powers..."
Wanda sayed with a smile...
Then she thought why could not baron understand Alexa has power??... Maybe for good...

"I love u mama "... Alexa sayed as she nestled into wanda's chest...

"I love u more my baby girl..." Wanda sayed while she kept Alexa closer to her chest... Kissing her forehead....It was 9 p.m. already... both of them fell asleep in each other's embrace...

My first story hope u guys support me...
I will do more on nat|scarjo..... Taylor Swift... selena Gomez...And more marvel imagines...

Any suggestions
Any requests

Plz drop it down in the comment i will obviously do it...

Thank u so much

Elizabeth olsen ᗢ/her characters (wanda mainly) × Child Imagines..Where stories live. Discover now