ONE: Introduction & Start of day.

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[ Monday April 5th, 2021]

Gracelyn Wests (POV)

You know that moment in time when the silence is so loud that it could shatter at the slightest interruption that you just want to scream your way out. Well, that is how I feel most of my days unless I am in my little space. I can seriously hear everything at the moment except what I am supposed to hear, which is the voice of my therapist who is rattling on as pure usual, and I am in my own little world to avoid talking about my problems. Looking around her office I avoid making eye contact and listen to the constant clicking of the clock counting down the seconds until I can escape and get to work where I can function without pressure of questions about my past abuse. Sighing I finally look back at her just as the clock clicks to nine showing we are through saying, Well this was lovely, but I must get to work Mrs. Weaver, she sighs saying, Gracelyn, you must work on this you need to open up more. We have known each other for years and I hate that you are still so closed off dear. Please work on what we talked about; she gives me that look than continues saying, Yes, I know you dear, you did not pay attention today. So next time I will think of something more productive for you ok.

Nibbling on my bottom lip and clinching my fist on my hoody I sigh saying, Im sorry Mrs. Weaver I will try. She smiles standing, to walk me out and I smile back. She is not a bad therapist and I have told her plenty and of course she has my complete medical file it is just hard talking about what my uncle did to me, looking up at her as she opens the door I smile saying, Thank you I will see you next time. She just shakes her head saying, Of course dear and remember work on opening up, I know you are looking for a mommy since you are a little so hopefully, they will be that bridge for you to yes. I giggle and nod blushing whispering, Sshh Wevie no want others to know. She chuckles and nods patting my arm saying, See you dear and have a wonderful work week yes. Giggling I nod and leave headed to the lobby looking for Blake Andrews, he is my bodyguard, driver, and friend since I started college at the young age of seventeen. Yeah, I was a young smarty, and I am glad of that. It made life easier with all the distractions, spotting him reading a magazine I burst into laughter at what he is reading, which is a womens magazine on childbirth. Seeing others looking at me I blush and shy away as he stands up.

Shaking and giggling I say, Blakey you know what you were reading right? he just chuckles saying, Of course princess they have some interesting articles in that magazine now lets get going you have a surgery to prepare for. Smiling I follow him out of the office to the car of which he opens the back door strapping me into a booster seat and your wonder why does an adult need a booster seat well one I am a little and two I am four feet and five inches small, yup I am a tiny thing. Giggling I thank him, and he goes to drive me to work, sighing I watch the city fly by just thinking of the last few years after school. You see I graduated college three years ago and now I am twenty-four years old and a 3rd year anesthesiologist resident at Meadowview Hospital here in Lynnwood, WA and I couldnt be prouder of myself. My aunt Emily says that I achieve all my goals when I set them, but I think it is just because I need all the distractions to keep myself from breaking. Feeling the car slow I look outside and smile seeing the hospital staff entrance and I sigh shaking my head getting ready for my first surgery of the day.

You see an anesthesiologist is the person who puts a patient under for surgeries and they have to monitor all the vitals and meds going into the patient which requires reading the patients chart several times that way if they have allergies you dont accidently kill the patient which is a big no, no anyway I have to monitor one the meds for allergies, two the vitals that the patient is stable and alive, three that the patient is under completely and not in pain and four that the patients come out alive after being put under.

Wow thats a lot of which I just gave the short version, giggling I see Blake coming to get me out and I stick my tongue out at him and he does the same sending me into more giggles. We always play around to lighten the mood and it helps because he is always vigilant to makes sure I dont get hurt or die. You see my uncle Michael West the evil man who hurt me so severely that I am the way I am now, he hired someone a year after I started medical school to kill me but he failed and ever since my aunt Emily Pearce on my mothers side, my best friend Andy Philips and Blakey has been on guards and very protective of me since and I like it but I need my space too which they give because I dont like much physical contact unless I have gotten to know the person really well.

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