SIX: Fun & Meeting at New Club.

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(Time Skip Eight Thirty PM) (Friday Still)

Shannon Whelans (POV)

We arrived at the new club called Blush of Darkness. And I chuckle at the name seeing as it suits the clubs reason for being. Abigail reads it doing the same saying, That is cute dont you think. Chuckling I loop our arms saying, Yes and it fits so well. We walk in just at eight thirty and I smile seeing that the first part of the club is shades of black, reds and pinks but still looks normal with two big bars and a dance floor, a DJ up in a booth area than I see a sign that says, For those who dare. And I laugh pointing saying, Look. Abs looks smiling as we walk to the roped of entrance seeing a bouncer we smile and he asks what colors so we tell him than he lets us through, walking through the entrance the first thing we see are stairs so we walk down them and come to a completely new club one that is literally split in half with the left side being black with multiple rooms, bars and a dance floor than the other is the same but pink of all shades with all kinds of little things and it is blocked off with a pink wall and door entrance.

We walk that way and show our bracelets walking in I gasp at how well they did it. It has booths, play areas, snack bars for the littles, even a bouncing house and ball pit. Then you turn around and there are rooms for private talks and changing rooms along with a complete bar marked off for the doms and I smile liking that. Bumping Abs arm with mine I can tell she approves as well so I pull her to the bar saying, Lets get drinks than order some food I am starving. She laughs as we make are way to the bar, she orders a few fruity shots and I get a pink lady and we make our way to a booth to order food. Looking around I see several littles, couples, and singles so I know we should be able to find someone tonight but if not, I know I will find my girl soon.

Sipping my drink, I look up seeing that Abs finished her shots and I smile asking, What do you think, see any potentials? she looks around subtlety shaking her head saying, Not yet, both of us are too picky you know this. Laughing I nod looking at the menu saying, True, but we want what we want right and besides I dont want no slut little thats not my thing. At this she nods saying, Agreed, hey didnt Kyle say his husband, and little will be with him tonight? smiling I nod saying, Yeah, little Caiden he is so precious, and he is not a handful as some littles are. Oh, my do you remember Ember she and I were together for a week, and I had to send her to another mommy because she kept sleeping around. I hate that so much. She groans saying, I remember, I also remember her mouth and the fact that you didnt kill her is a miracle.

At this I choke on a sip of my drink saying, Abs honey, you know I couldnt hurt a little even if they are a whoring slut. At this we both burst out laughing until a waitress comes up wearing a dark and light pink schoolgirl out fit and at this I smile and wink at her. she blushes asking, You ladies ready to order? we both smile and order are food as well as having her take the shot glasses away and bring us more. Looking around I see a few cute littles playing but none that are my type and I sigh saying, Hopefully when Kyle and his family get here, we will start to have some fun yeah. She laughs saying, Patients boss our girls will find us.

(Time Skip Nine Oclock PM)

Kyle Andrews (POV)

Walking into the club holding Caiden I look around seeing that it is a regular club until I feel myself with Caiden being dragged to an entrance and down some stairs. Looking at Blake I smile, and it gets bigger the moment we enter the downstairs club, looking at Caiden his eyes are big and curious, and I chuckle asking, You like it baby bud? he looks at me and giggles snuggling into me saying, Dada, pink lots of pink. Looking to the right I see the entrance to the little side and smile saying, Yes, baby. Feeling a tug on my hand I look up at Blake and he is excited making me shake my head but follow as he leads us into the little area. The moment we enter I look around in awe and surprised at some of the things they have as well as looking for my boss and friend Shannon Whelan.

A LITTLE PINK IN DARKNESS. (MDLG Story.)Where stories live. Discover now