THIRTY-FIVE: Worried still, Bad News's, Fixed & Ok?

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(Time 8:24 p.m. Monday Still.)

(All Dr. Keatings (POV)

Dr. Quinn Keatings (POV Still.)

Hearing shuffling on the other side of the door I wait rubbing Caseys back until the door opens Shannon looks at me asking, Whats wrong? shaking my head saying, I got her up to take her pill, but her head is hurting worse that she was really dizzy and couldnt even go to the bathroom on her own. she nods saying, Ok Im calling Violet she will be her in few to take you to the hospital I would go but I just got Gracie home and she needs all the rest she can get. Also, since Megan is already asleep, I will just have one of the boys bring her to the hospital in the morning if you dont get back tonight ok. Nodding I watch her text something than put her phone up saying, She will be outside in five Im glad you got here tonight I dont know what would have happened if she didnt make it to the front door.

Feeling sick I nod as she sighs rubbing her face saying, She was supposed to see head of neurology in the morning, but I would suggest getting him down there tonight and if you have trouble call and Ill take care of it yeah. Nodding I smile saying, Ok thank you and I will let you know how she is when I know something also, please dont let Megan freak out or worry yeah. She smiles saying, Yeah I know believe me now go Violet should be outside already. Nodding I turn making my way down the stairs and out the door, as I step off the porch, I look up seeing a woman in casual clothes holding a door open to a black town car. Chuckling I nod at her sliding into the car making sure not to wake Casey or hit her head. The moment the door is closed, and I am settled we are on our way to Meadowview taking my phone out of my pocked I hit four on my speed dial calling Dr. Walker hearing the ringing I look at my watch and it is now eight forty-six when I hear, This is Dr. Walker. Sighing saying, Hey Reagan its Quinn, I need you to meet me at the ER and set up a head CT and MRI for Casey Glass. Hearing rustling than her clearing her throat saying, Ok I will see you there I think I have her scheduled for a checkup tomorrow.

Rubbing Caseys back saying, Yeah you do but she is having severe pain and is getting intense dizzy spells. Looking outside I see we are just pulling up to the entrance so I say, Hey I just go to the ER are you home tonight or already here in an on-call room? hearing a chuckle and her say, I live at the hospital you should know this Quinn dear Ill be down in a few bye. Saying bye back I hang up just as Violet opens the door smiling at her I slid out holding Caseys head securely against my shoulder saying, Thank you Violet if we are not in the ER by time you get inside just check at the nurses station yeah. She nods saying, Yes Dr. Keating. Nodding I head through the ER doors just as I get near the check in, I see Reagan rounding the corner and I sigh she looks at me and arches her brows at my position of holding one of our nurses like a child and I just role my eyes saying, You know.

Her eyes get bit and she chuckles saying, Oh ok lets get this done while she is out, her head must be hurting really bad we should wake her, but we will see after the scans. Nodding I wait as she checks Casey in using all her info from work along with her patient history by the time, they are done I am following Reagan down the hall to the elevator. Going inside I look at her asking, So you seriously been here for another seventy-two our shift Reg? she sighs rubbing her neck saying, Yeah the board flew in some intense tumor case I and several other neurosurgeons have been trying to map out a way to get it all out, so it doesnt grow back, kill him or paralyze the guy from the neck down its intense.

Nodding saying, I feel yeah but I am on a reprieve exit at the moment. She looks at me just as the elevator opens on the fifth-floor walking out I follow her as she says, Really it has been quite a few years since you had one of those same reason? adjusting Casey as we get to a changing room I say, Yes and no, it is for Casey here, Gracelyn West and another I cant name. but I can say who I am working for. She arches her brows as we get inside going over to bed, we have in this changing room for scan patients I lay Casey down just as Reagan asks, Well than who? chuckling I say, Get me a gown for her will yeah and Miss. Whelan. Hearing a gasp from behind me than seeing a gown laid down on the bed. I quickly get Casey undressed and redressed in the gown leaving her underwear on her, picking her up again I cradle her against me she whimpers and moans before settling back against me and snuggling into my neck.

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