SEVENTY-ONE: Revealed! Official?! Alexis?! & Interrogation & Torture continued!

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[Hey reader's thanks for reading this far.]

(Time 10:22 a.m. Saturday May 15th,2021 still.) (Long Ass Chapter.)

Margret Whelans (POV)

Frozen holding a passed-out Alexis in my arms I cry rocking her I look up at Emily and Shauna who look just as shocked and pissed at what we all just learned, shaking my head sniffling asking, What did he do to her, what did he do to them all?! growling I feel angrier then I have in years at this point shaking I whimper as I feel Emily wrap her arms around me holding Alexis and I saying, We dont know baby but we will make him pay, Shauna will make him pay. Looking at my baby I sniffle as she nods reaching and holding my hand saying, We will mother we will make him suffer for every if we have to. Nodding I sigh cuddling back into Emily saying, I know love and thank you. Looking down at Alexis I kiss her head saying, You are safe baby so safe now. feeling her forehead is hot I sniffle look at Shauna saying, She is burning up but I dont want to take her hoody off without her permission she is covered from her neck down. Does that mean he did what he did to Gracie and Lena? she frowns nodding saying, Mostly like mother he also got his sick hands on a few more girls while we were looking for him.

Shivering I ask, How many? she rubs her forehead saying, Not sure but one was on the news she hasnt been found so I assume he killed her she was ten. Gritting my teeth as she continues saying, The other they found last night when they captured him, she was around eight and half dead when they got to her along with a young guy in his twentys the same condition. Shaking now I close my eyes feeling sick taking deep breaths I pull Alexis closer running my fingers through her hair looking back up I whimper asking, Should I take the hoody off? she nibbles her lip sighing but nods saying, Yes especially after her panic attack we can leave, and you and Emily can be the only ones to see her for now. until she decides other wise since you both know her mother, we will go get us all some food it is almost lunch time, and we need to check on our babies. Smiling I nod saying, Ok love give the girls kisses for us and maybe later Alexis will be up to meeting everyone.

She smiles and stands up giving us all kisses on the forehead before leaving and closing the door looking back at Emily I sniffle saying, Help me baby she is burning up. she smiles kissing me and I sigh taking her in and tasting her lips before we separate and she gets out from behind me saying, Of course dear we must be strong though for what we see. wiping my eyes I nod lifting Alexis up laying her back as Emily helps peel her hoody off gently I lay her down once her hoody is off, she is wherein a blue under shirt with short sleeves, smiling she always loved blue sniffling I hear a gasp and look up at Emily who is crying again shaking her head. Frowning I take her hand asking, Baby what is it? she sniffles and gently touches Alexis arm looking down I cry more seeing all the scars from the top of her should down to her wrists on both of them, touching them gently I whimper before looking at her neck and the line of her shirt I spot more scars just under the shirt.

Shaking I gently pull it down some shaking my head I cover her back up and go to the bottom of her shirt I lift I partially and growl at seeing the damage he has done to her. covering her back up quickly I shiver saying, We cant look know more goddess help me I want to rip him from limb to limb. Wiping my eyes, I gently pick Alexis back up cradling her in my arms as Emily comes back around Holding us sniffling, I whimper saying, What she went through all those years and we, we just thought she was dead somewhere goddess we should have looked hard but there was no leads. How Emily how did we not see how evil he was until it was too late until he took Gracie. Crying harder I burry my face in her neck shaking hating myself for not protecting those I love.

(Time Skip 12 oclock p.m.)

Gracelyn Wests (POV)

After being out of little space since lunch ended momma Shauna said she had some news for me which makes me so nervous we are cuddled on the couch with Lena who is content and sucking her paci in my arms. Sighing I ask, What is it momma, you want to tell me? she kisses my head saying, With the help of Alexis mom, daddy, and Emilys friend from the past we got him baby he is locked up. shaking I cry asking, R-Really? she smiles kissing me making me sigh and relax into her once we separate, I smile and whimper saying, He no hurt now? she nods saying, No baby he is locked until he is dead this time. Shivering at her smirk I sigh finally feeling a peace of comfort looking down at our baby I smile asking, Has the papers came yet? she chuckles saying, Yes baby you want to ask her now? smiling I nod saying, Yes, go get them. she laughs kiss us both on the head before getting up to get the papers smiling down at Lena, I kiss her nose saying, Baby momma and I got something to ask you. She blinks sucking her paci and smiles at me reaching up playing with my hair making me giggle and kiss her head again, making her giggle and smile more.

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