FIFTY-NINE: Child taken in & cared for by? & Child's Name?

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[Hey reader's chapters will get better soon and so will story. Thank you for reading.]

(Time Skip 1 oclock a.m.)

[Monday May 11th,2021]

Shannon Whelans (POV) (Mostly)

We finished up with the two asshats around midnight and now I am headed back to check on the girl, Quinn said she slept fully after the sedative wear off and I am hoping she will speak to us soon. She also said that after giving her a bath she found deeper slashes on her back along with a branding burn into her left hip that looks like the intertwined and knotted symbol for Irish meaning Baby Doll. I have not seen that on Gracelyn, but I havent fully looked at her body other than bathing her and dressing her since she gets upset when I stare at her scars. Looking out the window I see we are driving up to the clinic entrance so I stretch my arms feeling my muscles relax my arm doesnt hurt as much as before but then again it may hurt like a bitch tomorrow. Feeling the car stop I wait until Andrew opens the door yawning, I cant wait to get home and sleep these two days have been hell and you know it just keeps getting worse it seems now I just wish to catch the piece of shit so I can spend time with my baby.

The door opens and I smile up at Andrew as he helps me out, I sigh saying, Thank you hun we shouldnt be long if you could send daddy a heads up that we are going have another house guest tell him I want the crib from the guest house he can send Caleb and Colby to get it and set it up in Gracelyn and Is room. he smiles nodding as I go into the clinic once I arrive I open the door hearing crying and I frown looking at Violet and Henry I ask, Whats going on here? they both look scared and Violet sputters out, Sorry boss but the child woke about thirty minutes ago and has been distraught and violent since than Dr. Keating has been trying to calm her but nothing has worked. We knew you were on you way back so. Rolling my eyes, I sigh saying, Ok, you two go get in your cars and ready to head to the ranch yeah. They nod before rushing away like fire is on their assess chuckling, I rub my face before opening the door and walking inside, closing the door back I turn around and what I see makes me want to cry the tiny little girl is curled up in the fetal position in the same corner on the floor I found her in earlier.

At least now she is cleaned up and clothed properly looking at Quinn she looks exhausted, and I dont blame her sighing saying, Quinn honey how are things? she look at me with tears in her eyes and whimper shaking head saying, She, she woke up screaming and I tried to help I really did but I think I made it worse, and I think she ripped open a few of her stitches already I saw some blood seeping through her shirt. nodding I smile saying, Why dont you gather all the medical supplies youll need at the house for her yeah and we will meet you in car in a little bit if it takes more than an hour go ahead and have Violet or Henry drive you on home to the ranch. She wipes her eyes nodding before leaving the room walking towards the girl in the corner I kneel down saying, Hey baby girl remember me Shannon, but you can call me Shannie if thats too hard. You know I still dont know your name and a beautiful baby like you has to have a beautiful name.

Watching her rocking herself back and forth sucking her thumb I sigh knowing this going to take some time, but I need to get her stitched back up by looking at her clothes she ripped at least three or four open, setting crisscross again I look up at the bed seeing light pink blanket and a light pink stuffed elephant. Smiling at the nurses choices I reach up grabbing them saying, Would you like these baby girl I know they will help a lot and look they are really soft to. Holding them up to her rubbing my fingers on the material I watch her freeze up and stop rocking before seeing her beautiful eyes looking at them, smiling I nod saying, Go on baby girl we got these for you yeah. Still sucking her thumb, she slowly reaches her left hand out taking first the blanket than the elephant watching her I set my hands in my lap seeing her rub her face on them I smile sighing saying, Soft huh. She looks at me still rubbing her face on the elephant and just stares at me.

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