TWO: Sleazeball & Rant with Alcohol.

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[Monday April 5th,2021 Noon]

Hearing my phone ding I groan and hit answer asking, Yes Elena? hearing typing and then her clearing her throat before she speaks saying, Your twelve oclock is here Miss Whelan. Wanting to punch something I sigh saying, Yes of course send Mr. Drakes in thank you Elena, Oh and Elena please clear my lunch I have it with Miss Bishop thank you. Hearing her say Yes of course Miss Whelan. Also, your free until four this afternoon. Thanking her I hang up and wait for the six foot talk slender sleazeball with slicked back dirty blond hair to walk into my office and prepare myself not to strangle him across my desk the moment he says something gross to my delicate ears. Chuckling in my head I hear a nock and I say, Come in.

(One Hour and Three minutes later.)

Abigail Bishops (POV)

Settling in at OBrians pub I sigh waiting for Shannon to arrive and I know that her rant is going to be either explosive or calm and wait for the storm type. Chuckling lightly, I pick up a menu and read over the options yet already knowing what I want I lay it back down, looking up I see Cecilia one of our favorite waitresses walking towards me with that bright smile as usual, if I wasnt a mommy dom, I would go for her type, yet she is into the full submissive scene and I and Shannon are not. She gets to my table saying, Well hello there gorgeous the usual? I chuckle saying, Yes but this time I want onion rings with it and oh bring me a Hannagan as well and three shots of tequila for Shannon when she arrives. She chuckles writing everything asking, Usual for her as well? I smile saying, Of course just be sure to add on the delicious chocolate lava cake for us to share after I believe she is having one of her days today.

Just as she writes the rest down, I hear heals clicking quickly my way making us both look up seeing a very upset Shannon rushing towards us. Cecilia steps back nodding at us both as Shannon sets down before she walks off to get our order sorted. I look at my best friend who looks like she hasnt slept a wink in days, and I sigh giving her a slight smile asking, Scale from one to ten honey. She whimpers laying her purse and suet jacket down next to her rubbing her face and look back up at me saying, Twenty! Abs twenty, I want to just kill that man and get rid of all the evidence.

Cringing at hearing her saying this I sigh looking up seeing Cecilia headed our way with our drinks and I sigh saying, Cecilia dear please add on a few shots will yeah. She nods setting our drinks down and walking away, the moment the tequila is in front of Shannon she downs the first two and I down the third and take a drink of my Hannagan saying, Ok honey go ahead. She whimpers saying, Abs he is so disgusting I was in my office with him and a new sports author for an hour and three minutes and I wanted to kill them both, he even hit on me again in front of this author and to put icing on the cake he tried groping my ass and kissing me after the author left. Aaaah! hearing a throat clear I see Cecilia with six shots, and I smile saying, Thank you dear. She smiles and sets them all down and leaves.

Reaching out I down two more and so does Shannon, I shake my head asking, When he tried what did you do? she chuckles downing another shot saying, Well I was my sweet boss like self and told Mr. Sleazeball that the next time he tries anything with me or any of our female coworkers I would fire him so fast he wouldnt see his next paycheck on his desk. And I did it all while holding his arm behind his back with him over my desk. Laughing I choke on my drink that I just took, and I reach for a napkin wiping my face saying, Finally babe, Jesus he is a creep at least you were not alone with him for too long like last time. At this she shivers finishing off the shots saying, Believe me if I was, he would have been on the floor holding his balls because I cant handle being around him, ever since I took over the firm, I have had to deal with him I have had it I dont care if his revenue and intake are still good I will fire him and I think he understood this time without me having to use to much force to make my point. Seriously Abs I am an OUT lesbian, to not only family and company but the whole of the United States cant he just fuck off!

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