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“How even—” his words died at the back of his throat when he reminisced his father's words.

“This crystal is your possession, you've to protect it, it's like your heart, it recognises you. It will glow in the presence of its owner and that's you. You can't lose it, son. And if you do, you can't get it back until you don't claim it with a proper oath like you did when you were coronated and inherited it from me. Without this, you're nothing but just a mere serpent, my son,”

Claim, he has to claim it by taking his oath once again. He cursed Luther internally before stretching out his hand, holding it over the crystal and closing his eyes.

“I; Byun Baekhyun, the present king of Shilza and former owner of the royal crystal, takes his oath. I swear on my reverence for my ancestors and my loyalty for my people that I'll protect our royal crystal with my life,” he began.

“I'm ashamed to say that I couldn't protect it before but now that I've seen worse days without it, I realised. I want to prove myself worthy once again. I'm ready to sacrifice even my life, please accept my apology,” he prayed inside for the crystal to accept him once again and opened his eyes, he slowly pulled his hand down and touched the crystal gently.

Just when the crystal felt his touch, a green light came out of it and it started glowing to its fullest making Baekhyun smile the widest. He felt the current, the energy flowing inside him once again and he felt alive after so long, his happiness was on one another level.

He slowly brought his other hand and picked up the crystal from its place, attaching it with his forehead and heaving out a sigh, “Thank you!” he murmured, thanking his ancestors and put the crystal inside his jacket, making his way out.

Four young men sat inside the prison in silence when suddenly the gate of their prison fell down with a loud banging sound making them flinch and scoot toward a corner. They saw green smoke around the doorway and a figure came out of it, they squinted their eyes in an attempt to understand who it was but the smoke was making it hard to do so.

“Perfect timing as always?” a familiar voice rang into their ears and in an instant, all the smoke was blown away. Their eyes widened when they saw their King, more like a friend in front of them. He unlocked their chains with just a snap and the next moment they were all over him.

“Hey, hey, hey, guys, calm down you're gonna choke me to death—”

Chanyeol, “Shut up!” he cut him off, hugging him more.

Kai, “We thought something happened to you!” he began with a sniffle.

Suho, “We were worried for you more than ourselves!” he added after Kai, slapping Baekhyun's back.

Sehun, “I'm glad you're okay,” he patted his back, slowly all of them pulled away and Baekhyun saw their teary eyes.

“I know you all love me so much but don't cry ew you're so cringey,” Baekhyun made a disgusting face earning a chuckle from them.

“What about the crystal?” Chanyeol asked worriedly when he remembered that Luther took it away.

“I got it back, don't worry,” Baekhyun assured and they nodded in understanding, “Let's go back then, shall we?”

All of them came out of the dungeon and were walking through the corridor when Baekhyun heard someone coughing and stopped in his tracks.

“Did you hear that?” he asked the others because that voice kind of felt familiar to him.

“Hear what?” Sehun made a puzzled face.

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