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One leg on the bed other on the table the young prince was lost in describing the beauty of his mate. And in the honor of his concentration, alcohol seemed like a best friend.

With each and every sentence he proclaimed the artist's brush roamed around the canvas, well determined to fulfill the demand of his majesty.

As much as he heard about the prince he knew, with this concentration if he's describing something, the picture is gonna be of someone really special.

Curiosity was burning inside his heart but the fear of death was higher than it, what if he did something wrong?

"A slender waist, whistling down from her bust, as smoothly as the water from a waterfall. The bends of her hips, so voluptuous that you feel as if it has been carved out by the creator who sculpted out of care and feel just like a potter sculpts a vessel from raw clay." Jungkook's eyes were still closed as he described further.

"The bends of her hips and the fullness of her bosom, reminiscent of the idea of perfection. Her dress draped so holistically...That the carves of her body become prominent by the red and golden dress which complements her lucid cream-based color." Jungkook opened his eyes taking a sip of his wine and drifting back to his imagination.

"The glistening skin and the color of cream, almost that of milk chocolate, infused with a hint of cocoa strikingly balancing the redness of her dress, was enough to give heart aches to anyone."

As it surely caused my heart to skip a few beats...

Jungkook thought but was hesitant to let it out loud.

"Chocolate brown eyes like a deer that could swallow galaxies, sparkling in the night. Broad and expressive eyes sitting atop the amazing vessel of a body. Feels like the haunting eyes of a Nymph, gleaming down from the greatness of heaven." He kept on describing her like she was some goddess. The image of her clear of that day he first saw her never leaving his mind.

"Cheeks, the color of pink roses and eyelashes longer than anyone's I've ever seen. Alluringly, she would blink her eyes from time to time, allowing her eyelashes to flutter like the wings of a butterfly." Jungkook smiled to himself imagining how she would look beside him.

My god, her eyes were simply spellbinding...

His mind thinking about so many ways to describe her that sometimes he felt the words were not appropriate for him to speak out.

Not yet at least...

"Long, wavy light blonde hair, so smooth and silky, almost as if it was tailored from gold fabric. Her seraph's ears were pierced by golden hoops carved with rose-shaped gems were concealed by caramel-colored blonde waves. Her skin was like silk over glass and she radiated an intelligent beauty." A slight smile made its way up to his lips again highlighting his chicks with a little pink, as his thoughts lingered around her.

Caressing the rim of the wine glass he gulped it down in one go, clicking his tongue afterward, "There was a shyness to her, hesitation in her body movements."

"It's ready your Highness! Anything else to add?" The Artist asked.

"There's a mole near her nails, on her ring finger." Jungkook added.

Her beauty for me lies in the unspoken, in the unknown, and in the mysterious expressiveness of her big beautiful eyes...

Somehow her imperfections made her perfect...

A light chuckle left his lips, as he saw the artist looking at the canvas with wide eyes like he just saw some kinda ghost.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked the Artist making his way towards him.

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