Act I - Proving Your Worth

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[Author's Notes]

Welcome to chapter 2 of Bounty Hunter! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this series and I look forward to bringing you many more!

How are you liking the AU so far? I hope it's an interesting twist in your eyes!

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Time to see the aftermath of Po's fateful meeting within...

Chapter 2 – Proving Your Worth.

6 PM – Nearing Sunset – Nearby the Bamboo Forest – Valley of Peace.

"A lot of people most likely want your head if you're a panda hunting down crooks," Tigress pensively remarked, receiving a stray nod from Po.

"Tell me about it. There's this one guy in a province not too far from here, I think his name is Jong Sung Jai Kai Chow... a mouthful to remember, I know," Po sharply replied, his focus remaining in the direction housing a nearby healer. The panda had grown suspicious of the Furious Five's disappearance and wished to treat Tigress's headache by bringing her to someone he personally knows.

Tigress could almost swoon head-over-heels for this panda if it weren't for her strict discipline and the condescending attitude of her father. From a small child, she had been belittled beyond belief, first at the Bao Gu orphanage and then under the guidance of Master Shifu.

"What prompted you to become a bounty hunter?" Tigress asked whilst fiddling with her claws.

"The threat looming over my father and the Valley of Peace. I don't want to seem condescending but there are dark spots in which you and your warrior friends can't access. I just bring light to those dark spots and ensure the safety of the civilians."

"But how did you learn those nerve strikes?" To which Po simply shrugged.

"Just found out about it someday whilst I was training. I noticed the blue ripple and I attempted the move on someone who was wounded. It instantly brought them to their feet and they thanked me for it... I haven't heard from them since but I assume they surrendered their life of crime to something more honourable and... less criminal-y."

"Are you some kung-fu prodigy?"

"We'll answer that question later, you've arrived at your destination," Po gestured towards the sign of the local herbalist's station which read 'Healing by Haodu.'

"This isn't the Jade Palace..." Tigress commented confused by the situation.

"I know. I figured your friends aren't coming back for a while so I've decided to fix you up myself. Don't worry about costs, I've got that covered..." Po noticed how Tigress was beginning to flinch. "Oh, don't tell me you're a scaredy-cat when it comes to needles! - Trust me, Haodu is a gentle lady, I'll introduce you to her."

"I don't know about this... shouldn't the Furious Five be searching for me by now, why should I trust you?"

"Many of the questions you ask lack answers, Master Tigress, now come in!" Po encouraged Tigress, to which she nervously stepped foot within the store, her claw gliding across the wooden floorboards as it groaned thanks to her weight.

"And I thought I was heavy, haha!" Po joked as he waved towards Mrs. Haodu. "Hello Mrs. Haodu, I have an... acquaintance for you to treat," Po pointed a finger towards Master Tigress, to which the middle-aged bunny squealed.

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