Act I - Evasion

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[Author's Notes]

Welcome aboard the next chapter of Bounty Hunter! We're already at number 6!

I hope you're all enjoying this fanfiction. I now have more time to dedicate to releasing chapters, so expect my update frequency to increase slightly.

As per usual, if you enjoy this chapter or would like to offer some criticism, feel free to do so as your feedback will help me improve as an author! - I am not perfect and self-improvement is welcomed with open arms!

I also apologise if the first portion of this chapter is slightly dry. I had initially rewritten the opening sequence but only part of it saved. ): - Future Naidvar here, this was painful to deal with back when I was writing off LibreOffice instead of Google Documents lol

Alright, that's enough rambling. I proudly present to you...


11 PM – Bamboo Forest – Outside of the Unknown Cave...

"Tigress? What on earth are you doing here? - More importantly, how did you get here?" Po wore a face of shock as the rhino guards made their first of many attempts to break the lines that the vigilantes had established.

"Fewer questions, more fighting! I'm so glad you're okay... I thought I lost you!" Tigress approached Po for a soft hug but was rudely interrupted by a rhino guard, who she swiftly kicked in the jaw before embracing the panda.

"I'm glad you made it here alive... now we have some major butt-kicking to do!" Po ran his fingers through Tigress's silky fur before both turned to face the rhino guards, who were being encircled by the remaining members of the Furious Five.

"Master Shifu only told us we would be seizing the panda... you're telling me the panda has a private army and is working with the warriors of the Furious Five?" The commanding rhino bellowed to his general before his general blew a horn. "Fantastic... this fight is going to be long and hard. We will not allow this panda to escape!" The commanding rhino pulled his sword from his hilt, his nervousness couldn't prepare him for what happened next.


His sword had fallen to the floor as he allowed his nervousness to grip over him.

"Uh oh..." The commander gulped as one of Po's fellow bounty hunter's made an attempt against his life. Po was greatly surprised when the rhino showed talent in kung-fu, pushing back his opponent and rearming himself. "Where was I..? Oh, yes. You're not making it out of this alive, panda! - None of you are!" He boasted as he charged into battle alongside his comrades.

"This should be pretty easy, right..? It's just a few guards-" Crane's beak was sealed shut when rhinos began emerging from beyond the treelines. "I should really l-learn how to keep my b-beak shut..." The avian's legs began to violently shake.

"Less stressing, more fighting!" Mantis roared... even he was mildly terrified.

"None of us have openly rebelled against imperial guards of the Jade Palace! On the contrary... Tigress would never lead us into this battle if she didn't believe it was for the right cause!" Viper remarked before coiling herself around like a Lasoo in preparation for combat.

"Tigress probably has two motives for this, going against her father and securing her paws for that panda!" Monkey's light-hearted joke was met by sighs from the Furious Five. "Okay... this guy has potential as a warrior, I'll give you that. Perhaps keeping him alive is more favourable for all of us," This time, the Furious Five nodded in response to Monkey's comment as they attempted to break through the lines separating them from the vigilantes as well as Po and Tigress.

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