Act I - Feelings

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[Author's Notes]

Hello and welcome back to another chapter of Bounty Hunter!

Before we start, I've begrudgingly been forced to take down both of my smut one-shots due to action taken against my account for uploading them. I had several smuts planned but I will most likely reupload them on an alt within the coming days, you'll see what I mean once they are made available once again. "Forbidden Campsite" and "Forsaken Settlement" will remain memories for the meantime.

Anyways... We're back on track this time and we'll be starting back with our favourite pairing, Tigress and Po.

I am truly evil for deciding to leave the last chapter with such loose ends, especially when it involves Master Oogway and Tai Lung talking... You'll find out the result of that conversation later during this chapter, so don't worry!

As always, feedback in the form of reviews is appreciated. This will be the last time I mention it at the beginning of these things as I feel like I'm being repetitive, just know your support and input is extremely valuable to me; I just won't be pushing you into saying something after this.

Okay, that concludes the rant! Without further ado, Naidvar proudly presents to you...


7 AM - Unknown Trail - With Tigress and Po...

Tigress and Po had been sprinting along the same trail for 2 days straight, with only a few settlements and ancient landmarks in sight, both of them quickly decided that temporary settlements were most likely a better and more secure solution compared to staying at an unfamiliar place which had been cursed by some ancient spirit.

Sitting inside of a rugged and hastily made tent, neatly decorated with the smouldering and charred remains of the previous night's firewood, was none other than Master Tigress and the Dragon Warrior. Po had struggled to catch any form of decent sleep throughout these past few days, constantly battling his torturous dreams as well as with the environment he was resting within. Po had to admit that his first mission as the Dragon Warrior made him feel less like a warrior and more like a survivalist the more he continued to wander around with Tigress and establish these settlements.

Speaking of which, Master Tigress awoke to the sun brightly beaming into her eyes, her fur lighting up a bright sunflower yellow as she stepped outside to escape the musk that was Po's smell. Although Po had promised to clean himself the night prior following her extraordinary offer to offer him a feline cleaning, Tigress was completely unsure of whether or not he was actually going to follow through with that promise. Po could only change clothes repeatedly for so long until Tigress got sick of his smell and decided to do something about it.

Tigress stared in the general direction of where the sun was rising, noticing a chain of mountains she hadn't seen the night prior. Her nightly eyesight may have worked wonders for her but it had inconsistencies in certain areas and she was unable to see too far into the distance. As the wind blew across her face alongside a few cracks inside of Po's makeshift tent, his unwashed musk soon trailed with the wind and flowed up her nostrils.

The striped feline knew she would be sacrificing her own dignity whilst out on this mission with the panda, which had turned into an escape gone wrong, by choosing to lick the panda clean. She may have found the smell revolting at first, yet, if she started to do her magic; her nose would automatically negate the smell... And that's what she did.

She took one deep breath as she got onto her knees and crawled into the tent alongside the panda, which is where she began to lick his face before moving down to his chest. Her rough tongue easily caught the attention of the panda, who mumbled something incoherent before cracking open his eyes and immediately screamed in horror at what he saw.

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