Act I - Celebration

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[Author's Notes]

Welcome back to Bounty Hunter! I hope you're enjoying the story so far!

This will be the last chapter that makes up the prologue/backstory phase of this fanfiction, after this, we'll be diving into the story and getting into some action!

Yet again, I thank you all for your patience and your reviews! It's been wonderful listening to your feedback and learning how to improve whilst you have all shown me how enjoyable this story is, at least for you!

As usual, this aforementioned feedback is appreciated as it helps me gain a general basis of everyone's opinion as well as assists me in improving as an author.

Alright, I've gotten my mandated rambling out of the way. Without further ado, Naidvar proudly presents to you...


4 PM - Hall of Heroes - Dragon Warrior Ceremony...

Triumphant cheers rang across the Valley of Peace. Despite being so loud for those sitting inside of the Jade Palace courtyard, those cheers rang out clear as day despite sounding so muffled through the extremely tall gates that kept the Hall of Heroes segmented from the outside world.

Po, the prominent bounty hunter and noodle chef serving the valley during work hours but protecting it until the moon shines bright, paced around in an exaggerated huff as his life was seemingly collapsing around him. He was living his dream of becoming the Dragon Warrior but he never expected to legitimately fulfil the prophecy.

His life would have to endure drastic changes for him to adapt to his new predicament. Sure, he was able to protect himself, but he also had the responsibility of protecting others. Po was sure that several bounty hunters from distant valleys or even those living on the outskirts of the Valley of Peace would want him hunted down, especially knowing his reputation of being one to humiliate those who think they're bigger than justice itself.

He was not only worried about putting his dad in trouble, a civilian no less... He was also worried about bringing a threat to the Jade Palace. He attempted to brush those thoughts off as foolish but to no avail. Po's mind further sunk into a whirlpool of endless negativity as he realised his brightest dream had also been warped into his darkest nightmare, he happened to be walking on a fine line between those two realities; his mind turning him oblivious of the honour and the good he would do for the valley as his mind turned to one specific individual... Tigress.

Po had idolised, cherished and dare he say, loved the feline ever since he heard about her alongside kung-fu. He couldn't possibly imagine how much pain she was feeling as of that moment, her life goal had been usurped by a panda who only wanted to do good for the community... Po was even suspect of Tigress liking him back but he didn't dare poke his feline friend with a stick that large.

The panda feared putting the lives of his family at risk, despite Mr. Ping being a goose and very well armed when it comes to self-defence; Po didn't wish to take that risk. Despite him being an adequate fighter alongside Tigress and Lynqi, he absolutely resented the idea of them sharing the space under the crosshairs of a resentful individual. His mind ceased any thoughts about anything that could threaten his life as he looked towards the few friends and family he possessed.

The seasoned bounty hunter stopped in front of the moon pool to gaze into its reflection, it's previously still and calm water almost turned into a tsunami of confusion as his shining jade eyes looked back to him with concern. Why would someone want to harm Tigress's life and why was he the only one that acted against them, especially when the guards were well trained and able to do their jobs; to circumvent the objective of the assassin.

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