An Ambitious Plan

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[Author's Notes]

Woohoo! Welcome back to another chapter of Bounty Hunter! I can't believe we only just passed chapter 20 last week and this story is far from over, especially with my pacing!

We debuted another OC last chapter as well as established a sense of who they are, now it's time to move on to their purpose inside of this chapter!

Of course, the TiPo is beginning to subtly flourish and that sense of time sensitivity is also hanging over them like a fisherman's bait on a pond! I thank you all for your support and comments, especially those that detail things I miss. Sometimes as an author, when you're combing through things (often late at night in my case), you're prone to missing things and those eagle-eyed viewers amongst you all have led to me putting more time into reading through my chapters and even correcting/altering some things!

Alright, that's my usual rant over. Without further ado, Naidvar proudly presents to you...

An Ambitious Plan

8 PM - Red Blossom Village Hotel - VIP Room #2...

A clear and starry night lit up the skies above on this peaceful night. Despite the earlier confrontation with Kokatsu and the eeriness that irked the warriors once the Dragon Warrior and this sly red fox had agreed to work together to bring down their threat, everyone was bathing within the peace rushing through their veins.

By everyone, I mean Po and Tigress, who were the first to rally inside of Kokatsu's meeting room. Despite the red fox being absent and their curiosity being aroused, both of them decided to take up a seat on a chair. Tigress softly clung to Po's neck and sat in his lap whilst Po rocked the chair forwards and backwards.

The couple indulged in a stargazing session hosted from inside the room. They could've easily done this inside of their own room but the wind that blew so gently and the clearness of their viewing angle in comparison to their room being stuck mere inches away from the tree added to their luxurious experience. The Dragon Warrior and his striped feline almost forgot they were alone, with her softly hugging him and Po even gifting her with a soft kiss on the lips. Tigress's emotions went haywire each time she received a kiss from the Dragon Warrior, both agreed he was more of the huggable type and rightfully so as the feline easily melted in his fur and refused to untangle herself once it was time for her to move. However, a kiss from Po's supple and soft lips was the golden gift, the highest reward Tigress could receive in her own mind as it was a rare occasion for both of them to share such a gesture, let alone how gratifying it was for her to feel like a true teenager once again.

They shared a moment of silence, mentally reflecting on the journey ahead with their eyes dancing between one another and the thousands of twinkling stars resting above them. Their hypnotic twinkling was enough for both warriors to fully relax and almost forget about their responsibilities or why they had come this far, it was at this time where both of them merely accepted they would become one with the moment.

As they both entered a blissful state of relaxation, a sensation akin to one of the finest dreams you can experience whilst still remaining conscious, their stresses washed away and so did the world around them. For a brief moment, they only saw one another and they weren't going to let this shared lucid vision go to waste. They could swear they both stood up inside of their vision but it was swiftly swatted away once a shooting star entered their field of view and they pointed at it like amused children.

"Tigress, a shooting star!" Po poked his head out the window, tracking the object with his dull claw whilst his girlfriend peered over his shoulder, following his finger and the star with his eyes. "Make a wish!" He sharply whispered, acknowledging it was late at night and suppressing his voice would be best if he didn't want to be kicked out of the building.

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