Act I - Mutual Angst

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[Author Notes]

Yes, I've done away with the "[A/N]" thing, it's best to give some people context, whether they be new to the fandom or a veteran.

Welcome to another chapter of Bounty Hunter! After finishing Fallen Phoenix (Future Naidvar here to offer context, Fallen Phoenix was the first book I wrote and although it helped me improve a lot, it was essentially 200,000 words of me simping on Fenghuang, a character from the KFP Legends of Awesomeness series.), I have more time to dedicate to this fanfiction as well as making sure each chapter is as awesome as the last!

I'm experimenting with the idea of having some one-shots based around this fic in the future, we'll see how the plot goes and such!

As always, reviews and criticism are welcomed with open arms and I hope you all enjoy this chapter of Bounty Hunter!

Okay, I'm rambling again. Without further ado, Naidvar proudly presents to you...

Mutual Angst

10 AM – Student's Quarters – Jade Palace...

Following the events of the previous night, Master Shifu had gracefully allowed for the students of the Jade Palace to sleep in. Despite allowing his students to sleep, his pondering remained perpetual as a ruthless repeating of the actions he took throughout these past few days made a resurgence within his mind in the form of a murmuring memory.

Meanwhile, away from Shifu's cloud of self-pity, rested the bliss-filled Furious Five. They would rarely be allowed to break away from their strict training regiment as well as their torturous sleep schedule, some of them would argue that the only thing missing from their times of serenity was Po's cooking.

A prominent believer of this missing presence would be Master Tigress, who couldn't seem to tame her thoughts; and subsequent dreams involving this defiant and brave panda. Whilst the feline's comrades rested peacefully, her mind was filled with immeasurable lust.

Tigress's Dream – Mr. Ping's Noodle Shop...

Tigress peacefully strolled into Mr. Ping's restaurant in search of the panda that had captured her heart and therefore her loyalty. Completely unaware that this was a dream, she felt as if she was seeing her future line up inside of her own mind.

The customers of the shop gasped and gawked at the young Tigress, who wore a proud smile whilst a passion burned within. Nobody was used to seeing her this happy... and that's when she caught a glimpse of him. Po Ping, a name translating to 'precious peace' – Tigress had to admit, even in her own mind, she saw Po as a humble character as opposed to the lustful dreams she would have during her younger years.

She carefully observed Po's movements whilst resting her hand on the countertop, Mr. Ping was completely oblivious to her presence as she gazed into the emerald orbs, reminding her of all of the times she wished to venture through the open fields as a child. The peace-filled panda softly cut an array of vegetables, shaped noodles and formed dumplings. An ordinary activity appeared extremely attractive to Tigress as he was the one indulging in all of these activities.

"Precious Peace, quite a poetic name... highly accurate, too," Her soft voice escaped her throat and instantly charmed the ears of the hard-working panda, prompting him to raise his head and lock eyes with her; melting her in the process.

He calmly walked over and waved his hand in front of Tigress's face... she was too busy admiring the panda, after all, this was her dream.

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