Act I - Meet Mr. Ping

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[Author's Notes]

Oh yeah, it's time for another chapter of Bounty Hunter!

Thank you for the support as of late, I was never expecting to receive what is essentially an uproar asking for more as well as reviews. If you leave a comment, I will most likely respond in the form of a reply!

Okay, that's enough fluff, lets get into the next chapter!

Meet Mr. Ping.

6 AM – Sleeping Quarters – The Jade Palace.

A soothing spring breeze invaded the room of the young Po Ping. It was his first time staying inside of the Jade Palace. It took him a surprising amount of time to slip into a slumber as the disturbing neatness of the room bothered him, almost as if the room was soulless. Fortunately for him, the room was filled with the snores and laboured breathing of the Furious Five, giving his designated sleeping quarters an eerie feel.

Po was beginning to feel a breeze across his face, realising he had opened the window the night prior for some fresh air, he grunted as he realised he would be tasked with shutting it. The young bounty hunting panda didn't wish to be a disturbance to the Furious Five, especially when Shifu already perceived him as a thorn in the side... not even a thorn. At this point, Shifu had made it clear that Po was a knife in his chest that would prove hard to pull out, especially in regards to his relations with the young Tigress.

A phenomenal beam of light brushed against the black and white fur of the relaxed panda, prompting him to open his eyes and gaze out into the landscape outside. He took in the slight yet beautiful chirps of the birds as well as the soothing yet erratic wing movements displayed by passing butterflies. Po truly felt as if he was at peace... that was until the ear-piercing gong began to ring with a ferocious roar.

"Good morning, Master Shifu!" Po heard everyone sincerely call as he swiftly slipped on his robe and retrieved his bow staff before sloppily opening his door.

"You're late," Shifu prodded the stomach of the young panda, his eyes gazing into the soul of the waking panda as he yawned. "You overslept too... of course."

"Aren't you being a little judgemental? Dude's only here to cook," Mantis prompted Master Shifu, he just received a disapproving glare before Shifu focused his attention on the red panda.

"I don't understand why Master Oogway wants you here... nor do I understand what his intentions are. However, I can promise you this..." Shifu trailed off, chuckling menacingly as he jabbed Po with his wind flute, almost breaking it in the process as he heard the wood of the fragile instrument creak in pain. "You will not survive here for very long..."

Po merely smiled before answering the comically short master standing before him.

"I don't need your approval for my style of kung-fu... I only need your approval as a cook. Judging by your facial expression last night, you clearly enjoyed my food; this is an odd way of saying thanks."

"Anyone who stays at the Jade Palace for a prolonged amount of time will be required to seek my approval as their employment risks their well being," Shifu lied in order to intimidate the panda.

"I don't see Zeng practising kung-fu... and he's your messenger!" Po helpfully pointed out, his snappy response caused Mantis to crack a small laugh.

"What's so funny, bug?" Shifu pointed his wind flute at the terrified insect as he crept closer.

"Nothing... but he has a point. Anyone who works here isn't required to practice kung-fu if they don't wish to," Mantis's response earned a unanimous nod from the rest of the Furious Five.

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