Act I - Tidal Wave of Trouble

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[Author's Notes]

Yet again, I was evil enough to leave you with a cliffhanger! Possibly one of my best and worst ideas ever.

I'm proud to announce that the story will pick up in pace from here and the plot will begin to reveal itself. I know, I've kept this plot quite vague but I'm excited to begin revealing it now that everything is set up.

I've enjoyed writing the storyline, notes and scenarios for these future chapters and look forward to bringing them to you! - I also thank you for 50 reviews, such a mind-boggling number of reviews, especially in 2021; where this fandom has unfortunately declined in popularity! (Context; Fanfiction[dot]net reviews)

Alright, I swear I rant too much whenever I write these notes. Without further ado, Naidvar proudly presents to you...

Tidal Wave of Trouble

6 AM - Student's Quarters - Jade Palace...

A mild yet bone-chilling shower of rain was scattered across the Valley of Peace. Whilst sleeping on a mountain had its benefits, for example, you were far away from any noisy instruments or late-night parties... It also came with some disadvantages. One of those few disadvantages was the fact that every time the skies closed shut to unleash some of its tears onto the Jade Palace or if it wanted to exhale some howling wind across the lands, all of that would be greatly amplified.

Whilst the Furious Five were still sleeping peacefully, fully accustomed to the weather and sounds created by passing weather systems, Po and Lynqi were struggling to rest. Both knew that if they were staying at the Jade Palace, they would have to get past their fear of the weather. Sometimes it was mentally taunting, the pair had endured countless battles and adventures to chase down targets, yet they couldn't sleep through some pouring rain.

Their situation was further hampered when the ghostly chill that filled Tai Lung's room tickled the hairs on the back of their necks, radiating down their spines as it spread across their body as if they were strummed like an instrument. Our newly proclaimed Dragon Warrior wasn't one for prophecies, curses or conspiracies. However, he would call himself a fool if he didn't admit he was somewhat unsettled by the possibility of Tai Lung's angered energy being involved with this strange feeling. Whether this is psychological, after all, Tai Lung wasn't dead; at least from what Po knew as he acknowledged the snow leopard was locked up in Chorh-Ghom prison. He couldn't seem to shake the feeling that there was a more physical cause, he had tried messing with the windows countless times throughout the night, checking to see if there were any unaccounted for crevices or cracks within the walls near the window that invited in any stray air. Unfortunately, his mind would further lie in a state of unease alongside Lynqi as no explanation was offered.

"W-what a night, huh?" Lynqi mumbled whilst shivering next to Po, unable to settle within her comfort zone thanks to the chilling wind blowing across her face. "All of these b-blankets and yet I still feel s-so cold..."

"Honestly, I'm just chilling..." Po's joke didn't amuse Lynqi as her face warped into a display of disappointment. "I know, not funny... Also very true. I'm very fortunate to be coated with more fur than you but I thought you'd be adapted to the cold by now!"

"I'm adapted to the cold, but not windchill, you moron!" She spat back.

"I- I'll admit," Po shuddered after the windows broke open and some rain splattered across his face. "I'm cold too... I'm just not letting onto anything," He confessed as he slammed the window shut.

"This isn't even a storm- why am I so cold? Is it this room?" Lynqi began to flounder, the distant-sounding of a bell grabbing her attention. "Now what?"

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