Act I - Return

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[Author's Notes]

Hello and welcome back to another awesome chapter of Bounty Hunter!

If you thought I was just going to let the reveal of TiPo linger as I transitioned over to the other scene in the previous chapter... You are dead wrong!

I will say, it's been an extreme wait with the slow pacing of this story. I actually admire your patience more than I admire my own. Sure, I'm adjusted to writing long stories but it amazes me how you're willing to read these long chapters with the pacing I'm using!

If you're from Wattpad and somehow managed to blow through the chapters I had preloaded by this point, welcome to the present! From now on, you'll be receiving live updates and I hopefully won't be terrifying you all with a massive story suddenly breaking onto the scene out of nowhere!

Anyways, that's my usual rambling over. Without further ado, Naidvar proudly presents to you...


5 AM - Campsite - The Trail Home


A simple word that accurately summed up the teamwork that had led these two great warriors to their destination. After suffering through hardship and travelling across China via some interesting ways, both of their minds knew they rested just a few miles away from the Jade Palace.

Despite enduring so much and finally sealing that togetherness up in a relationship, both of them were anxious to return home and announce their news. Of course, they had good news and they had bad news. Po was optimistic when it came down to everything besides news, he would usually tell everyone of the negative news before moving down his checklist and onto the positive side of things.

However, Tigress was the last one expecting this outcome from a panda she randomly met on a whim and was eager to challenge... She had always admired him from afar but never knew he would be this adorable, compassionate and kind-hearted up close. He may have been determined to fulfil his objectives and his goals but his heart always remained focused on her and her wellbeing.

Both of them still had so much to discover about one another, their adventure had taken them through the wringer when it came to talks, yet they were unable to get to any personal information until later on as one or the other loved to chat away endlessly about the world and the wisdom they had obtained from it. Every single day that passed by seemed like a brand new adventure for them, they would always find something interesting to gawk at for hours whilst travelling down this seemingly endless trail. They even found themselves wondering why they're rushing themselves home at some point, a thought that was swiftly thrown into oblivion once they recognised and remembered the honourable sacrifice Lynqi had made for them to escape their potential capture in the first place.

For once, Po and Tigress felt complete, two lovers with similar backgrounds had finally united under one banner... It truly was a story that could be told for the ages, a peasant bounty hunter, wishing to do good for the people; falling in love with Master Tigress of the Jade Palace. The Dragon Warrior had done his best to maintain his composure around the striped feline, only allowing his fanboy side to seep out on occasion. This was a feat that Tigress surely commended him for, despite how cute and cuddly he seemed whenever he went on a ramble about his overt worshipping of her.

Unfortunately, their tranquil and mutually exchanged dreams would be swiftly interrupted by a wave of purple that flashed like a mighty storm inside of their eyelids. For a moment, both of them were unable to move their bodies, wake up or mumble to one another... They just knew they were awake.

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