Act I - Mission Compromised

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[Author's Notes]

Welcome to the next chapter of Bounty Hunter!

I hope you're all enjoying this fanfiction so far... we're only just beginning and I always get so happy writing these chapters!

All of your kind reviews, as well as ratings, are greatly appreciated as it lets me know that you wish to see more! (Context, fanfiction(dot)net reacting to my content!)

Alright, I think I've gone on enough. I'll let you get into the action within...

Mission Compromised...

8 PM – Unknown Cave – Meeting of the Hundred (more like dozen) Hunters...

"Wait... you're the hunter from the Valley of Peace, aren't you?" The female lynx, named Lynqi, questioned Po. He silently nodded as he turned towards the chief, a water buffalo with an extremely loud voice.

"I apologise for any judgement- I wish I knew better!" She continued to exclaim, the water buffalo scowled at her as her voice became a whisper. "You'll forgive me, right?"

"Of course... just remain silent and let the chief do his thing," Po responded, pointing towards the impatient water buffalo.

"Thank you!" Chief Shuli sarcastically commented as he huffed. "It's time for this water buffalo to get this meeting underway so he can return home to his family! - I still can't believe we have to come here whenever a hunter is placed under threat," He complained.

"I told you about Hunter Po, you gladly obliged to do this meeting. Why must you protest now?" Hunter Zhao, Po's close ally, responded to the buffalo's complaint.

"Because I didn't know what sort of hunter we would be protecting... you called me here for someone who's barely above the age of 18 and has undoubtedly done some reckless things. I thought this was meeting was for someone more important!"

"Hey, now isn't that a little judgemental?" Po commented, Chief Shuli merely grunted. "You're acting like a real Lynqi right now!"

"If I hear one more sarcastic comment from you, panda... I swear I will eject you and Zhao from this meeting!" Chief Shuli snapped whilst Po grew concerned under his straw hat. "Yeah, I saw that you were a panda... you really need to learn how to cover up if you truly want to keep your identity a secret. Oh wait, this Shen guy we're here for... he discovered you were a panda thanks to your inept ability to keep your species a secret-"

"Silence!" A large crocodile stood up from his seat. "Chief Shuli... I expected you to handle this situation with professionalism. If you continue judging this panda, I will have no choice but to eject you from the meeting!"

"Chief Taoci, you can't do that, I called this meeting!"

"You'll find that because I am of the same rank as you, I have equal authority over this meeting. With enough justification, I can eject you from this meeting for your irrational behaviour," Chief Taoci sighed. "Now let us continue, I know you don't wish to be here for long and I expect you to keep this meeting short but informative."

"Alright... let us begin," Chief Shuli relented from smashing the table in front of him before he placed a scroll on the desk. "Hunter Zhao has informed me that the former lord of Gongmen City is making an attempt on Hunter Po's head. Hunter Po has formed a... respectable reputation in the Valley of Peace and therefore, this lord has caught onto his actions and placed a target above his head. He doesn't seek to pay someone money, he's hired a private army to personally assassinate this panda- what did you do to piss him off?" Chief Shuli's question caught the panda off guard.

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